horror movie characters

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Aries- leather face (Texas chainsaw massacre)

Taurus- Hannibal Lecter (silence of the lambs)

Gemini- Jack Torrance(hottie,jk) (the shining)

Cancer- candyman

Leo- Jason Voorhees(friday the 13th)

Virgo- Pinhead (hellraiser)

Libra- Dracula(crush,jk) 

Scorpio- Michael Myers( halloween)

Sagittarius- Freddy Krueger(nightmare on elm street)

Capricorn-Jigsaw(JIGGY) (saw)

Aquarius- Norman Bates(yummy) (psycho)

Pisces- Samara (the ring)

*I don't really get scared by murder horror movies so the only one here that scared me was the ring, but I watched it when I was 8, but yeah I only really get "scared" by supernatural horror movies.

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