The signs in a horror movie

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Aries:Questions everything and runs for their life

Taurus:Goes to the kitchen to grab a snack and never comes back

Gemini:Tries to lighten the mood with jokes but doesn't pay enough attention and gets left behind

Cancer:Cries in a corner till it's all over
Leo:Acts like they're not scared but freaks out when others are killed

Virgo:Is the killer.

Libra:Enlists one of their many boyfriends to save them

Scorpio:Finds the killer hot and flirts to
their death

Sagittarius:Takes charge and uses common sense to get out

Capricorn:Makes bad choices and ends up accidentally killing themselves

Aquarius:Grabs the nearest knife and challenges the killer to a fight

Pisces:Hides in a closet and snapchats the whole thing

Zodiac SignsМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя