stereotypes of the signs

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Who remembers that song by Yourfavoritemartian that was my childhood.

Aries- overly agressive pshyco

Taurus- obese couch potato

Gemini- Two faced backstabbed(i hope not cause one of my good friends is a Gemini)

Cancer- Weak Crybaby (they call me crybaby  crybaby)

Leo- obnoxious narcissist

Virgo- Snobby Perfectionist

Libra- Manipulative Flirt

Scorpio- Jealous Nymphomanic

Sagittarius- Sarcastic Meanie( family friendly book lol)

Capricorn- Snooty Workaholic ( I love the word Snooty apperantly)

Aquarius- Unemotional Alien

Pisces- overemotional hopless romantic

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