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*I miss pll so freaking much*

Aries- Hanna Marin

Taurus- Toby Cavanaugh(ugh he was my literal crush, even though spoby was my otp)

Gemini- Ezra Fitz( I didn't want him with Aria unless they were broken up lol)

Cancer- Aria Montgomery(Either loved her or hated her)

Leo- Alison Dilaurentis( one of my favs she was such an icon even though she was shady af)

Virgo- Spencer Hastings(used to love her until I watched the last few seasons then she got on my nerves)

Libra- Melissa Hastings(used to hate her then started loving her at the v end)

Scorpio- Mona Vanderwaal( my 1 fav I liked her because I could relate with her and she was never a follower of anyone)

Sagittarius- Paige McCullers( Hate her she broke em's heart oh yeah and tried to drown her, The only girls I like Emily with are Alison, or Maya)

Capricorn- Caleb Rivers

Aquarius- Jason Dilaurentis

Pisces- Emily Fields(Love her to pieces)

my favorites are Mona and Alison, and at a time Spencer.

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