Chapter Five - The Ex

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Oookay, back again. Please read the harry potter rip off me and my Cuz Unloved made up, we were board lolz. Its got a few rude words in it. Thanks 


I peeked at Haddiean across the room. He didn't look at me.  

Understandable. The teacher had separated us for talking too much. Hah, I know weird.  

I glanced at him again, this time I caught him peeking at me. We grinned at each other and waved.  

Someone sat down next to me, pulling me from my thoughts, I turned to say hi, my smile slipping.  

'Nice of you to join us, Mr Jone' 

Bane Jone, my ex boyfriend raised his eyebrows at me, 'This seat taken?' He asked. 

I shrugged, 'not today, but every other day, yeah' 

My voice sounded choked to my own ears. I gripped the table hard and turned away from him and looked back over at Haddiean. He smiled grimly at me.  

Before, when I first started going out with Haddiean, Bane hadn't liked it, most likely because I'd left him for Haddiean. Well that's what he thinks, what both of them think. Bane was a jerk, and sometimes, he hit, not alot, it was only just starting and I don't think he realised he was doing it.  

I ignored Bane and focused on the lesson, halfway through, he put his hand on my leg.  

I jumped, not expecting it. Turning too glare at Bane, he grinned back, leaning close and squeezing my leg, 'How 'bout a kiss sweetheart?' he said.  

Grabbing his hand and digging my nails into his flesh, I growled at him, 'How about no, I've already got a boyfriend' I hissed at him.  

He narrowed his eyes and glanced across to Haddiean, who was watching with anger in his eyes, lifted his hand and waved.  

Bane turned back to me and glared, 'Him? Your still going out with him?' 

I glared back, 'Yes, I'm still going out with him. So, Back. Off.' 

I shoved his hand away and turned to the front.  

It took him 10 minutes this time, then his hand was back on my leg.  

I didn't even bother to turn to him, I put my hand up, making it shake, 'Miss can you please make Mr Jone take his hand off my leg, I don't like it' I made my voice shake just like my hand was.  

The teacher turned around and I lowered my hand, rubbing it over my eye. She walked up to him and grabbed him by the collar 'Get outside'  

Bane glared at me as he stood up, 'Pack your stuff, Haddiean, you can move back here' as Haddiean picked his stuff up, she turned back to Bane, 'and from now on, you sit away from Jody' 

Bane and Haddiean walked past each other, bumping shoulders.  

The teacher went back to the front of the room and all heads turned back to the front and Haddiean sat beside me, pulling his chair close and putting his arm over the back of my chair.  

'You 'kay?' he asked.  

I nodded and leant my head on his shoulder, 'Wanna go home' I muttered, I was tired, Benji had kept me up all night.  

Haddiean nodded, 'Don't we all'  

We sat quietly for the rest of the lesson. And when the bell went, we were the first out of the room. People called out to us, waved, high-fived, Haddiean never stopped, he called back, waved, high-fived without skipping beat.  

He pulled me out the door to the open air quad and over to the car park.  

He unlocked his car when we got close and we jumped in.  

It was a miracle that no one noticed us as we sped away, skipping the last two periods.  

I spun in my seat and watched the huge sign reading; Singleton High School disappear into the distance. 

I turned and grinned at Haddiean, 'Where are we going?' I asked. 

Haddiean shrugged, 'Home' he grinned back.  

'Won't your dad care your skipping?'  

He shook his head and shrugged again, 'Not if we don't make a habit of it' 

I laughed delighted, 'So were going home?!'  

When he nodded I squealed and threw my arms around him, 'thankyouthankyouthankyouthankyou!'  

Haddiean held out a hand, 'Whoa, your welcome, now sit still I'm driving'  

I sat back in my seat and watched as the buildings gave way too field's and after 10 mins of driving we pulled into Haddiean's place. 

I burst out of the car and threw my arms around Haddiean grinning. He hugged me back and kissed the side of my head, then pulled back, 'Look who found us!' he said, turning me around. Kain was standing on the porch with Benji in his arms, bouncing reaching out to us.  

As we stood there, Haddieans arm around my waist, and the other twined with mine pointing at the porch, Kain lifted a camera and snapped a photo of us, then called out; 'Come and get this bundle of joy so I can get another photo' 

Haddiean laughed and let go of me, jogging up the steps to take Benji. He walked back slowly, cooing to Benji who was in heaven, grabbing hold of daddy's hair and tugging. When they reached me, Benji caught sight of me and reached out gurgling 'Maaamaaaaaa' 

I took him and Haddiean stood behind me again, one hand around my waist and the other stroking Benji's hair as I cradled him, Kain was snapping photo's I could hear it in the background, I looked at Haddiean, who was looking over my shoulder at Benji, I lifted a hand and stroked Haddiean's hair. 

He kissed my temple and grinned. At that moment I don't think I could have ever been any happier.



As I watched them climb out of the car and embrace I felt like throwing up, she was mine, he had no right to touch her, let alone bring her home in the middle of the day for a romp.  

As He went up to the porch, I stared at her, standing there, hands in her back pockets grinning after him, I felt jealously tug at me. How dare she look at him like that. Then He came back and he was a carrying a baby! A baby with curly black hair and tanish skin like his.  

Anger filled me, he'd gotten her pregnant, that's why they'd both left. 

That baby should be mine, it should be me standing there cuddled up to Jody as she held our child, instead it was him, that stupid jock, he was probably cheating on her. Again, I nearly threw up as I watched her stroke his hair.  

She's mine, I have to get rid of him, he's in my way, the baby will think of me as it's father in the future. It will call me daddy.  

And she will sleep beside me at night not him. She's mine.  

Nobody touches what is mine. Nobody takes what is mine!

And also thanks to Unloved for giving me the idea of a stalker, who do you think it is???

Go to my profile and Check out my current story; Catch the Sunrise. Its about a girl who has to deal with the world and the people responsible, after the death of her twin brother. 

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