Chapter 3

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Meredith's POV:

The next morning I woke up to morning sickness, which of course woke up Derek. He thought it would be a good idea, to keep me home from work so people wouldn't get any ideas... But I wanted to go to work because Addie's back today and we had an appointment to see her.

"Meredith you really should stay home today and just come in for your appointment."

"No because then people will get even more suspicious than they already are."

"Fine, but when you go to work and get sick people are going to know.."

"I'll be fine, just let's go."

We got the kids up and fed, and drove to the hospital. After we dropped them off at day care, we went up to meet Addison.

"I just paged Addison, she should be up here any minute." Derek said to me

"What if I'm not really pregnant? What if the test was false positive? What if this "morning sickness" is just a stomach virus?"

"Meredith stop worrying. Everything's going to be okay."

"Hey guys." Addison said as she walked into the exam room.

"Hey Adds." We both said.

"How are you, Meredith?"

"Um.. I'm good, I have pretty bad morning sickness though."

"That's totally normal and that's a good sign."

"Yeah. I guess."

"Okay so, we're going to take some blood work and do an ultrasound and make sure everything checks out."

"Sounds good. Just make sure you run the blood work under Jane Doe."

"Of course."

After she draws the blood and sends it off to the lab, she starts the ultrasound. Derek, knowing that I'm nervous and scared out of my mind tries everything he can think of to calm me down.

"Okay, here's your uterus and you see that little yolk sac? That's your baby. You're measuring around 8-9 weeks."

"Are you serious? Like there's actually a baby inside of me. It's not a false positive?"

"I'm one hundred percent sure Meredith. That's definitely a baby. Congratulations guys."

"Thanks Addie." Derek says.

She leaves and it leaves just Derek and I in the room.

"I'm not getting attached, Derek. I can't."

"I know. You don't have to get attached until we know this is going to last."

"And I guess we can tell our close friends.. I'll tell Alex and you can tell.. Whoever you want."

"Of course. I have to get to surgery. I love you, have a good day." He kisses me and runs off to his surgery.

As he leaves, I go up to PEDS to find Alex.

"Hey, Uncle Alex." I say to him as I walk up behind him.

He turns around "What are you talking about?"

"Okay, wow you're so slow."

"Wait... Are you pregnant again?"

"Maybe a little bit."

"Maybe a little bit" he starts laughing. "I knew it. Congrats Mer."

"Thanks. But I need my guy person. Like you can't go anywhere. I know Cristina's going to leave. But you can't. If you leave, I won't be able to survive 3 kids and a neurosurgeon husband by myself."

oooo baby baby: merderOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora