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They all know

They know all

Know all they




Here's today's diary
I wouldn't call it a diary because it's just a short story on what happened today
Friday 24th November 2017
So. Today was eventful. Me and that_one_random_emo were casually eating lunch and suddenly....Edward and Lloyd appeared behind us, studying their children eating their food. We started dying and discussing the two elders together, which is terrifying because I had a dream (read my dream part of this book) about Lloyd and Edward together in a bunker. Anyways, brimmy joined the conversation to make a three way ....WAIT WAT NO.
After the three had their sexual Daddy time, the EGG appeared (Hills') and started leaning over these innocent girls, and smiling scarily. Then. Hills went behind a marble post and all we could see was his FACE AND HANDS LEVITATING. That was probably one of the most funniest things I've ever seen. He's getting close to flying. What.

And then. When we ventured outside. There was Jon (vice principal) who was patrolling and SUDDENLY HE WAS BECKONING THESE SMALL KIDS WITH HIS INDEX FINGER. We died.

And then this girl and boy in my year were staring at us like we were weirdo's, and they were laughing too. Oh god. Do they know our secrets? What.

And. We saw brimmy in his office and Edward was following us downstairs. Very closely. And Bentley caressed my back with his belly.

Farewell kids.

My weird dreams and notes (must read it's terrifying)Where stories live. Discover now