Chapter 5: My Best Friend Is A Vacuum Cleaner

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Chapter 5 | My Best Friend Is A Vacuum Cleaner

Nicole's POV

"Please tell me that that isn't what I think it is." I pointed to Rachel's neck where you can find a huge red spot.

"Tell you that it isn't what?" She asked innocently.

I scoffed. Puh-lease, she knows what I'm talking about. "That huge hickey on your neck!"

"Oh. This?" She showed her huge hickey, "This is from last week."

"Oh my god, are you seriously lying to me? That thing looks as fresh as the minute I found you sucking baby face's face off!" I snapped.

Lost? Okay, let me pause, rewind, and freeze to the part where I left Daniel with my number scribbled on his hand.

~* Flashback *~

"Tell anyone that I gave you my number and I will rip your small intestine out of your mouth, and rip your large intestine out your butt, then use it as a skipping rope." I threatened as Daniel gave me a victorious grin in return.

I turned on my heels before he could say anything. That way, it would save me from embarrassment and utter humiliation. He'll never let me live this down. I'm sure of it. Now, time to find my good ol' friend Rachel. Isn't she in biology right now? Yeah, I think she's there. I looked at my wrist watch.

9:53 AM

Damn it, I'm thirty-three minutes late. I can't go to class now! The teacher is gonna kill me. Like literally kill me. My biology teacher, Ms Kustov, is the scariest person I've ever met. She always wears her thick, square, black glasses. Her hair is never down. It's always in this formal bun. And she scowls. All the time. She's like the girl version of Daniel. Well, the girl version of what I thought Daniel was. Daniel is secretly a cocky, arrogant, hot jerk. Hot but... a huge jerk. Anyway, where were we? Oh yeah, Ms Kustov. She's like this scary witch. I bet she's a cat lady. Like the cat lady in the Simpsons minus the insanity. Yeah, she's super scary but she's not insane. Maybe insanely smart in biology. And definitely insanely scary. But not mentally insane.

I walked down the left corner. My biology class is at the end of this hallway. I need to talk to Rachel and ask her if she knows anything about an Anvoc who wears a snake mask. I can't tell her that Snakey is Daniel though. I really want to tell her but I can't. I trust her with my life and everything else but I don't trust her with this. I know she'll tell my dad. Then dad will take this advantage and everything is just going to end up really hectic. And then my plan will never work. So I just need to keep my mouth shut for now.

I finally reached my biology class. But I didn't walk in. I'm not really in the mood to handle Ms Kustov's presence today. I peeked through the window and scanned the room.

What the hell? Where is Rachel? She's not here...

My eyes widened as I just remembered something.

"Holy shit! Baby face has Rachel!" I loudly blurted out.

The door shot open and a very angry Ms Kustov stepped out, "Ms Guerini." She said through clenched teeth, "Will you please come inside?"

Oh my god. I'm gonna die! This is it! She's going to kill me in front of everyone in biology class!

I nodded and nervously gulped. I walked inside the classroom and everyone gave me a sympathetic look. Oh dear lord, I wonder how is she going to kill me? Poison me? Beat me up to death? Stab me? Cut my head off with a chainsaw?

Falling For The Bad BoyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora