Chapter 6: Super Creepy Land

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Chapter 6 | Super Creepy Land

Nicole's POV

"So Daniel, want me to show you something fun?" She pushed me aside and fluttered her eyelashes disgustingly. I stumbled back a bit and clenched my hands.

I don't know if you know this but I'm telling you anyways. I freaking hate girls like Mandy 'Bitch'. She's the kind of girl that would ruin your life if you would accidentally bump into her in the hallways. She's the kind of girl that would pretend to be your friend then secretly stabs you in the back. She's the kind of girl that would 'comfort' you when your ex breaks your heart but is actually the reason why you guys broke up in the first place because she was actually having fun fucking him. There's only one word that describes her perfectly. Evil. She's a heartless bitch that needs to learn a lesson.

Unfortunately for her, she's going to learn that lesson today.

I tapped her shoulder and forced a grin unto my face. She turned around with a scowl, "What? Can't you see I'm busy with my soon-to-be-boyfriend!"

I don't know what came over me but I did not like how she labeled Daniel as her boyfriend. Wait, what kind of feeling is this? This was a far more worst feeling than the previous one I had with Daniel. Without warning I punched her. Yes, punched. Not slapped. She fell to the ground and started crying in agony. Blood was flowing out of her nose. Her used to be perfect, crooked nose.

"You fucking slut!" She screamed all high pitched.

I winced from her blood curdling screech. I think my ears are literally bleeding. That was one hell of a scream. I continued to stare at her. She was definitely in pain because I throw really hard punches. I should have slapped her. Pfft, nah! What am I saying? That punch to her face was totally worth it! Hell, I'd do it again anytime!

"Damn it, Nicole. Let's get out of here!" Daniel hissed.

He took my hand and I immediately felt all tingly. What have you done to me, Daniel?  We ran out the school doors and were heading to the school's parking lot. I was now facing his deathtrap. His motorbike. He passed a helmet to me and climbed on.

"No. There is no way in hell am I riding that thing!"

I know what you're thinking. Omg, Nicole is afraid of bikes? Lol what a wimp! First off, say that again then expect yourself to be dead within the next few seconds. Second, yeah. I'm afraid of motorbikes! Big deal! Just because I'm in the mafia doesn't mean I'm all fearless and shit. Those things are dangerous. You can fly off. There's no seatbelt. And your body will have to take in all the impact, not the vehicle.

"Is wittle Nicole afwaid of a bike?" Daniel mocked me with a baby voice.

"N-No." I stuttered.

"Are you sure?" He pressed and gave a smirk.

"Of course I'm damn sure!" I snapped and irritatingly put on the helmet. I climbed on his bike and snaked my arms around his waist. More tingling sensations were felt throughout my body. Weird.

~* 5 minutes later *~

"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD! GET ME OUT OF HERE, YOU STUPID DICK!" Is what I wanted to say. Sadly, it came out more like this...

"frrrahhffgs LOVE geoetasyioemeettobbheyoasfeh DICK!" I mentally kicked myself.

Daniel choked on air, "What?" He tried to turn his head to the side to catch a glimpse of me but I started screaming my head off and told him to focus on the road. Honestly, I don't even know where the hell we're going. Right now, I just want to get off this metal contraption and live!

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