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||A n g s t||

Ringo stood at the edge of the tall building. He was thinking. Thinking about what he'd done in his life that led him to this.

He took his cigar and gently blew the smoke out. He lazily tossed the cigar butt on the ground.

Why am I even here? The short boy thought as he sat at the edge, his feet dangling off the building.
He looked below him. He saw all the people with family, lovers, and friends.

Everyone seemed so happy.

Ringo sighed. This was it for him. He looked at his scars and bruises. Soon it'll all be over, Starr. He thought to himself once more.

He removed his large coat and shivered a bit due to the slight breeze. He looked down again.
"No one will even notice that I'm gone."

Ringo placed his foot out but was immediately pulled back by a pair of arms. A familiar voice yelled at him. "What are you thinking?! Ringo don't do this it's not worth it!"

Ringo turned around. It was Paul. Ringo looked at his taller band mate and noticed the tears slowly running down his face.

"How did you even know I'd be here..?"
Ringo questioned him.

"I saw the note you left for your parents. You had us worried sick!"
"You should've just let me be. It'd be better this way."

Ringo walked towards the edge again but Paul yanked on his sleeve.
"Ringo I cant just let you do this! We all care about you! What made you want this?"
After a long moment of silence Ringo finally responded. "Everything. I don't feel appreciated. I don't feel loved."

"Listen, Starr. I...I love you alright! I can't lose the love of my life!" Ringo looked at Paul.

"You.. love me?" Ringo asked.
"Yes! I do with all my heart! I'd never stop loving you for anything!"

Ringo softened a little bit. "Paul. I-I thought you liked John."
"It was nothing special! He just wanted me for his own pleasure!"

Ringo's sky blue eyes became glassy. In a matter of seconds Ringo broke down.
He grabbed onto his coat and sobbed into Paul's chest.

Paul ran his hands through Ringo's short, tawny brown hair.

"I'm sorry Paul I'm an idiot for thinking this was a solution!" Ringo sobbed.
"It's alright, my dear." Paul used his free hand to rub Ringo's back.

He looked up at Paul and his bawling stopped.

"I love you."

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