Midnight Dance

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|| F l u f f ||

The air in the bedroom was cold, the type of cold you'd enjoy on a hot summer day.

Except, it was almost midnight and it was the middle of winter.

Ringo was sound asleep, the warm blanket wrapped around his body as he softly snored.

He was most likely dreaming of nonsensical things that had to do with a submarine.

Paul however, was happily tapping his feet to the rhythm of the music softly coming from the record player.

He drank too much coffee that day.

He turned off the record player and decided to listen to something other than John yelling in Twist and Shout.

He switched the tiny radio on.
A song had ended and the beginning of Will You Love Me Tomorrow by The Shirelles played.

Paul smiled and quickly tapped Ringo's nosed.

The drummer slowly opened his eyes.

Paul looked insane, smiling ear-to-ear while Ringo awoke.

"What's the matter, love?" Ringo's hoarse, tired voice questioned Paul's reason for waking him up.

"Ringo, dear! This lovely song came on!"
Paul pulled on Ringo's arm.

Ringo sat up but was quickly lifted out of bed by Paul.

Paul put Ringo down on the space of the floor.

"C'mon then, let's dance!" Paul grabbed Ringo's hand.

They began swaying. Back and forth, Paul held onto Ringo's waist and pulled him closer.

Paul sang along to the song. "Will you still love me tomorrow?~"

Ringo slowly spun as Paul held his arm out.

He looked into Paul's eyes. They were full of genuine love.

The song came to an end and Ringo allowed Paul to spin as the song faded.

Paul pulled Ringo close and kissed his nose.

"I love you more than anything dear. I'm sorry for waking you so late but I just wanted to dance with you."

Ringo smiled and laughed a bit.

"That's alright, Paulie. Let's get to bed, yeah?"

Ringo hopped into bed and Paul soon joined him. He turned off the radio and held Ringo close.

"Goodnight. I love you more than words can explain."

"I love you more, Paul."

And with that, the two fell asleep.

Oof sorry this was short but it's like 10 pm and I can't sleep. aNWAYS I might have another McStarr story in the works. It might be angst. It might take forever.. welp see ya!

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