Chapter 15

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It took Doctor Halloway two hours to heal every cut on my body. When I had tried to escape from my kidnappers I had fractured my wrists. After my powers released, I had so much darkness on my soul, she said that I had a cloak of it around me. She was only able to relieve what Nergal had influenced on me, she was unable to do anything about my father or my darkness.

We finally told her that I was a demigod after all of my wounds had healed. She gave us the look that she had already known. The drugs in my system had been another matter altogether. Even with Ethan, Holly and Noelle, Dr. Holloway did not know what exactly the drug had been. Dr. Holloway tried her best to negate the symptoms with her Tama. While the other three came out of it's effects pretty quickly, I had been dosed much more frequently and it was still running rampant throughout my system. I was told to take it easy for the next couple of days and to get as much sleep as possible. She even told me that I didn't need to go back to any of my classes until the beginning of the next week.

Juni, on the other hand, even though the wound on her head had been healed, her eyes were permanently changed to that silverish hue. She didn't remember the words she said to Nergal, only that he had thrown her. She continued to say she was fine the entire time Doctor Holloway healed her. The doctor said nothing, focusing on the wound opening the back of her skull.

Sam and Jax stood against the far way, their arms crossed over their chests the entire time both Juni and I got checked up on by Doctor Holloway. Last to get healed was Jax, all the cuts on his arms and the darkness that I had given him. He had sat through the entire thing with a content look on his face. Holloway tsked and tutted over the four of us until she was happy.

Sam had a far away look on his face as he stared out the window. His arms crossed over his chest, lost in his thoughts. Jax glared at everything that moved. His black shirt and jeans ripped in various places. His signature black band hid in his pocket, forgotten in the chaos. Jax's eyes still gleamed green from his other form as they focused on me. His black tail swished back and forth like a pendulum.

Once the doctor gave the four of us the okay, I walked over to Jax and Sam. Juni stood by my side, her hand grasping mine tightly. I squeezed back in response. her soft girly fingers comforting me.

"Thank you for finding me." I mumbled, looking at my feet. Jax swept me up in his arms in a warm tight hug. Juni let go of my hand as she moved over to Sam's side. Her silver eyes gave her a dreamy quality. I sank into Jax's hug, almost missing Sam's words.

"Stupid family." Sam murmured as he tugged Juni's lock. "You look different. Did you do something to your hair?"

"Family?" I stuttered, pulling away from Jax. I gaped at the two. Juni smirked at my reaction. Freaking precogs...

"Did you really think you only had those twins call you family?" Sam asked as he took a step towards me, tilting his head with a small grin. There was no one else I could call family. There was no way Sam and I could be related. Sam held me at arm's length with his hands on my shoulders. "Though, I did get the better end of the deal in the looks' department."

"Then you're a demigod as well?" I asked, relieved to have someone else to talk to about gods and everything. Sam snorted and shook his head.

"God no." Sam laughed as he released me. He leaned against the wall behind him. "That's yours and Jax's problem. I'm related through your mother's side."

"My mother?" Sam nodded his head, relaxing his features. Now, looking closely, there are signs. His nose had the same sharpness as mine. His eyes, though deep hazel, had the same shape as mine. I shook my head. "This is ridiculous."

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