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The car was silent as Kai drove through the busy streets. It was nearly traffic hour, and Kai was already going three miles over the speed limit. He was really pushing it.

Iko was quiet, playing with her hair, or looking at her reflection on the window. Kai found it odd that this girl was Cinder's best friend. They were complete opposites in every way imaginable, and yet were somehow so close. Kai would have to ask for the story on that later; if Cinder ever talked with him again.

As they drew closer to the police station, Iko looked up at Kai, a question in her eyes. She looked slightly mischievous from what Kai could see from the corner of his vision. Oh dear stars above.

"Kai?" Iko asked, leaning against her armrest and looking at Kai with a smirk on her face. "How long have you and Cinder been a couple?" Iko asked, making Kai nearly jerk off the road in surprise. He had somehow not been expecting that.

"Wha- what?" Kai spluttered, regaining control of the car. "Cinder- Cinder and I are just friends. We are not a, um, couple. We're not together." Kai said, stuttering over his words. "And as of right now, Cinder doesn't even consider me a friend."

That last part hurt for Kai to say. Even thinking it made his heart wince. He hated the idea that Cinder didn't want to be associated with him anymore. She was his only real friend in the cruel world that had become his life. She didn't want anything from him. No money, no status, not a single thing, though Kai would be willing to give her the world if she asked.

Iko drew Kai out of his thoughts, "Sure," Iko drew out the word so it sounded more like suuuuuuure. Kai didn't know what that was supposed to mean, so he just rolled his eyes and kept on driving.

When they reached the police station at last, Kai pulled into one of the visitor spots. He held the door open for Iko and walked in behind her, cursing as he saw the same secretary from the night before. The one who had treated Cinder like trash.

The woman looked up as the door opened and smiled at Kai. Her smile faltered slightly as she looked at Iko, but she diverted her attention back to Kai.

Plastering on a very fake smile, Kai walked up to the desk. Iko looked at him as though he had gone insane, and Kai decided to quit the charade. It took nearly every ounce of willpower that Kai had to stop himself from glaring the lady into oblivion.

"Back again, I see," the woman said, a small, playful smirk on her face. Kai pressed his lips together, and looked at Iko, clearly indicating that he could not talk to this person nicely. He would rather not start yelling in public. Not today. He was here to help Cinder, nothing else.

"Um," Iko said, "we're here to see someone... Kai?" Iko looked completely clueless as to what to say next, making Kai feel bad. He had dragged her along into this. She had no clue who they needed to talk to. She was here to help, not to lead. He could pull himself together for a few minutes.

"We need to see Chief Clay, again." Kai said through nearly gritted teeth. He did not want to talk to this woman any more than he had to.

Luckily, the secretary smiled at him, and said that she'd go and make sure that Chief Clay was available. She came back moments later and led them towards the small office, giving Kai an extra big smile as she walked back to her desk.

Kai wanted to vomit inside his mouth, but refrained. He needed to be professional.

Chief Clay sat in the same place from the previous night, making Kai wonder if he had even gone home, though Kai couldn't see why the Chief would sit in a different spot. The Chief looked exhausted, as he had the previous night, but he had a more dismal look than he had earlier.

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