The Gang

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Cinder flopped down on the sleek leather couch. She let out a sigh as she did so, barely feeling the small bite of pain in her midsection and the creak of her bones. Laughter surrounded her, coming from her multitude of friends. Everyone that she loved was in the same room, and that alone put a smile on Cinder's face.

The school year had finally ended, and they were having a sort of graduation party for Scarlet, Kai and Winter. Cinder had mostly healed from her injuries, though she had not been able to return to Commonwealth High. The doctors had told her that complete recovery was impossible after everything that had happened to her, but she felt fine. So what if she had dozens of shiny scars? So what if some of her bones clicked every time she moved them? So what if it hurt to breathe? I was a miracle that she could walk. It was a miracle that she could breathe without assistance. It was a miracle that she had lived at all.

With all the beatings Cinder took, she managed to escape with only twenty-six broken bones, a punctured lung, and a stab wound. After seven months of constant hospital care and physical therapy, Cinder was finally able to enjoy a carefree night with her friends. What was even better was how happy everyone was.

It had taken the gang a while to get back to normal- or whatever their normal was considered. Grief over lost ones, and recovery of the nightmarist battle left the entire group scarred for life. Everyone had handled their losses in different ways, but everyone had each other's back.

The entire ordeal of Luna Hospital was behind the whole crew. The rest of the Wolf Mutants had been taken to a rehab care facility, where they could get their lives back together and join society again. Very few of them had been killed; sadly Wolf's brother was one of the few who had fallen. 

Konn Torin had been locked away in jail, pleading guilty and getting off with twenty-five years in prison. Kai had taken the news of Torin's betrayal hard, but both Cress and Cinder had been able to console him for the most part.

All of the loose ends from Dr. Erland's mischief were tied up into one neat little bow. Cinder could finally (after years and years of worrying) relax.

Kai scooted over to Cinder's side, and she rested her head on his shoulder. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders, and pulled her body closer to his. Cinder had to stop herself from letting out a sigh.

The couple had officially gotten together only two months before. Cinder had been going to physical therapy for months, just to regain the ability to walk again. Kai remained by her side, her biggest support every time she tried and failed to walk.

Kai had come straight from school to visit Cinder, and when she stood up and stumbled towards him, Kai had been more than excited. She could remember the moment perfectly: Kai letting out a yell of joy, even bursting into tears; Kai running to her, his tears wetting her perfectly dry cheeks; Kai kissing her for the second time ever; Kai being happy for the first time in so long.

Cinder and Kai had been nearly inseparable; Thorne would proclaim every moment that they were "gross" but they didn't care. Everyone else thought they were adorable, and Iko had even tried to start an official shipping club just for them. Cinder and Kai had barely managed to shut that down.

A movie was playing, but no one was watching it. Noise swirled throughout the room in a happy bubble. Some were giggling, while others were fighting playfully. Someone was even smacking Thorne. Only Cinder and Kai continued to watch the screen, but even they were too distracted by occasional glances at each other and small tidbits of conversation.

"Do you really think that they would recognise each other after so many years seperated?" Kai asked Cinder as he played with her hair. Her head was in his lap now, and both were intently watching the climax of the film. "I mean, I know that they're best friends and everything, but all lions kind of look the same."

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