Photo Shoot Pieces

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Amber's POV

When I wake up in the morning, I am awoken by Christina's laughing. We all slept on my couch. I sit up and I see Camryn laying on the floor making snow angels with no snow.

"What is happening" I say walking over to them.

"I'm making dust angels" Camryn says while sliding her arms and legs on the floor. Which makes Christina laugh even harder while filming her on Snapchat. I slap my forehead. And she's the older one.

"Why are you encouraging this behavior"
I ask playfully while pouring myself some cereal.

Camryn gets up from the floor and her and Christina walk over to the kitchen. When I pour the milk, Camryn takes my bowl and grabs the spoon out my hand. She starts eating my cereal.

"Seriously Cam?" I exclaim while getting another bowl to get more cereal.

"You love me", she says while eating my cereal. I playfully roll my eyes.

"Last night was fun", Christina says.

I nod.

"It was", says Camryn with her mouth full of cereal.

"I wanna go to the boy's house after my shoot. I miss Jack", I say.

"Okay. Camryn and I are gonna see a movie while you're at your shoot", Christina says.

"I don't know why Jack hasn't asked you out yet", says Camryn putting the bowl of cereal in my dishwasher.

I shrug.

"I know he likes you. She knows he likes you. You know he likes you. Heck I'm pretty sure Canada knows", Christina says.

"Yeah I guess", I say. It is kinda true. I hope he asks me out soon.

"Well I want to hit up the gym before me shoot so I'm about to get ready", I say running upstairs.

"Don't fall again bambino (baby in Italian)!" Yells Christina.

They bust out laughing and I shake my head.

I quickly get in the shower and I throw on my Nike sports bra, matching Nike leggings, and Nike sneakers. Which I bought yesterday from the mall.

I do my hair in two Princess Leia buns then head downstairs to get an apple.

"Bye guys", I say before heading out the door.

"Bye", they say.

I quickly drive to the gym and I work out for half an hour. On the way home I get a call from Danielle.

"Hello", I say.

"Hey! Are you excited for today?" She Asks.

"Yes of course! Um who's in charge of the shoot?" I ask.

"Me! I'll be managing it and modeling", Danielle says.

"Wow that's so cool. Can't wait. I know you didn't talk about this last night but how are you handling the break up" I say also wondering why she didn't talk about it or seem sad about it when she came. I mean she was crying on the phone.

"Oh never mind that! Oh I gotta go! Bye", she hangs up.

I look at my phone like it died at 100 percent. That was weird. I shrug it off and head home to get dressed for the shoot.

"Can I do your makeup?" Asks Christina as soon as I walk in the door.

"And I'll do your hair" Camryn says. Again not asking.

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