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Amber's POV

In the middle of the night i woke up. Everyone else was sleep. I look over on my phone and see that it's four in the morning.

I only got an hour of sleep. But oddly im not tired. I quickly get out of bed and put on my sweat pants and jacket. Then i put on some sneakers.

I grab my purse and phone then i slide the door to the boy's room.

I walk over to one of the beds and i see Jack sleeping. He looks so cute.

I bend down and whisper in his ear. "Jack."

"Hm?" He says half sleep.

"Can you throw something on real quick? I wanna go out," i ask him.

"Sure", he says getting up from the bed.

"Yes," i whisper shout happily while jumping up and down. Then i trip and fall on my butt. "Ouch!"

Jack shakes his head and laughs at me. He helps me up and then he puts on a shirt and some vans.

We walk out of the room then head to the lobby since we're on the first floor.

I grab his hand and we walk out of the hotel.

"So why did you wake me up at the crack of dawn", he asks.

"Im bored and i can't sleep." I reply.

"So what do you want to do? Every thing is closed", Jack says looking at me.

"Not everything", i say smirking and i pull him along.

"Where are we going", he asks as we're entering town.

"Narnia", i reply.

He sighs.

"What you thought i would just tell you? Tsk tsk", i say to him teasing.

He laughs and kisses my hand.

We walk past a vintage shop and the sign says open. "Ooh lets go here!" I say excitedly.

He opens the door for me and we enter. A nice girl behind the counter smiles at us as we walk in. She looks about sixteen.

"Hello", i say smiling back.

"Oh my gosh are you Amber Turner and Jack Avery?" She asks excitedly.

"Yes", Jack and i say at the same time.

"Oh my gosh i love you guys!" She says happily.

"Thank you", we say.

"Would you like a picture?" I ask her.

"Oh my gosh. Yes!" She says happily grabbing her phone. We take a few pictures and videos with her.

"Oh my gosh I'm quaking!" She says hugging us. We smile.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Lydia", she replies.

"Cool", Jack says.

"If you need help please let me know", she says.

Lovelights | Jack Avery| CompletedWhere stories live. Discover now