
13 3 1

The sun was already setting by the time Alex and I was driving to the mall, we decided to burn some time when our class finish half an hour ago,so we're heading to the mall to get some clothes and other essentials.
2hours later my dinning room was filled with shopping bags and Alex and I was arguing on which movies to watch obviously I win so we're watching magic max 2.
'Uhg I need some popcorn' Alex whine
'Your such a baby!' I shout at him
for the last 15 minutes he's been whining about popcorn, I get up and went to the kitchen to make some pocporn. While the popcorn was in the microwave I was looking out my windows when I saw two golden eyes staring right at me. I gasped and rubbed my eyes by the time I looked out the window again to make sure am not crazy the beautiful pair of gold eyes that gives me pleasurable shivers down my spine was gone.
Our movie night finish
Two hours ago but for some reason I can't seems to sleep and stop thinking about those gold pair of orbs that stare right through my soul and also that I would love to swim in or swoon over, whichever one makes sense.

I don't know when sleep starts nocking on my door, but the last thing I heard before it completely takes over was a howl coming from deep within the forest.

"Peach?" I groan who the hell is waking me up in the middle of the fucking night. I didn't answer so the person must've left, thank god, I was half way to sleep when I feel like I'm drowning in ice water I jump up out of my now soaked bed breathless, coughing and sputtering over my words,"w..wa?"

"Mom? What's that for can't you wake mi up like normal people, why'd you have to practically drown me with cold water?" She smirk she find my situation amusing pfft thanks mom I think dryly.

"You have a evening class right?" It was a rhetorical question we both know that and that's why I didn't get up early this morning.
"It's nine 'am' so I think you should help out Mrs. Berry at the café this morning till it's time for your class. I didn't have to work my dad was a quite rich man and my mom has it for herself also, but I just love helping Mrs.berry.

" OK mom, I will" I grab my undergarments and head to my bathroom to take care of my morning business.

Half an hour later I was pulling up in the drive way at the eat & smile café. I went to the back of the little café and sure enough Mrs berry was there preparing the orders I kissed her cheek and greet her good morning everyday its like my routine "hello peach" I smiled at her and she return it with one of her own I love making her smile.

I grab a apron from the workers closets and take the orders from her. Mrs berry never have children, her husband pass away in a fight long before I came here, my heart was drawn to her the first time I step into the café and I guess I can say the same for her about me not in any homosexual way just a motherly-daugtherly way so she offers me a job and I take it.

I greet marla while carrying out the orders she doesn't like me very much if at all but I greet her anyways what can I say ama happy soul, she pop her gum and rolled her eyes she hates me cause Mrs Berry adores me. Not to brag or anything but am pretty awesome.

I writing down some orders while turning to leave a table of costumers when I bump into a hard wall nearly nocking me off balance wait when did Mrs b
(A/N:for short "Mrs Berry's a mouthful") put up a wall here, but before I could lose balance two strong arms wraps around my waist steadying me hey when did wall get hands,I look up and realizes the wall in my way was a Greek god of a man, where his hands warp around my waist tingles shot through my body and I loved it.

The amazing good looks he possess nearly takes my breath away, the shiniest black hair that hung over a nice pair of eyebrows, the electrifying green eyes that swirls with gold in the center, the straight nose, the high cheekbone, the strong jawline that have a six o'clock shadow,then there's the lip 'his lips' so sensual yet so firm I wonder what it would be like to taste like..I would love to have a taste, 'wait what, snap out of it peach', I scold myself.

"Mine" a sexy masculine voice brought me out of my thoughts,I didn't quite understand him so I just didn't pay it any mind.

I must be staring at the stranger I blushed crimson red and weakly say an apology. To which he has a confused look on his face then his eye turn gold but as quickly as it appears it disappears I blink I must me jet lack. He smiled those straight perfect white teeth "no problem princessa".

Oh I love that voice a throat cleared and I turn to see marla staring me down with a death glare, " you're supposed to be working not flirting", she snarl.

A growl was heard behind me and marla face turn deadly pale her eyes were gloss over, wtf and then she did something unexpected she bow her head on submission and apologized to 'me?'. That's not weird at all, the day went by fast without that hot stranger and marla strange behavior.

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Well this is it guys. Trying make the chapters a little longer OK a lot longer. Anyways vote comment and share me pls. This book can't be nothing without the votes and comments of the readers. Hope you enjoy it tho... .....


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