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My brain's messy from yesterday strange encounter with that hot stranger, am currently in my room trying to read one of my many novels but to no avail I have been staring at the same page for the past hour.
Irritatedly I toasted the book on my bedside table and relax on my bed,trying to call my "so-called-bestfriend" but unfortunately fates not on my side cause he ditched me for a hot guy "he's been trying to bang" his words not mine,yea my bestfriend is gay and I don't mind cause I still love him, but not at the moment.

Am here being a virgin goddess, while he go around and bang,well he is good looking but he's no way near that sexy stranger in looks department, Caroline Peach Summers get a grip on your emotions think about books and cakes and stop thinking about the sexy stranger who's name you don't know, bit would love to know, I'll jump his bones for a ten cents, ugh damn horny hormones.

A throat clear and I jump coming back to reality,I look to the source of the sound and see no other than my bestfriend 'I have been standing here for the past fifteen minutes, "want to tell what's got your mind so occupy that you didn't acknowledge my awesome presence".

I gave him the deadliest glare I could muster, "you traitor" my voice came out with a growl I don't why I was angry but I didn't care the least bit,I was even surprise by the way my voice deepen even my so-called-bestfriend seems like he could shit his pants,if this was a different situation I would of been on the floor laughing my ass off.
"What did I do?
"You...you ditch me so that you can go bang..you little slut."

"Uh...uh..sorry?" It sound more like a question than a statement, and that's when I loose my cool.

That's all you have to say, am going to beat the living crap out of you, you may think why am I behaving like this well when he apologies it wasn't sincere if it was maybe I would reconsider my decision of beating him to a pulp but otherwise I don't give two fu*ks.

If I want to beat him then am gonna I grab the closest thing to beat alex and guess what it was a lot in bottle my bestfriend sherk like a girl and ran downstairs where my mom was busy preparing dinner, Alex was begging my mom to help him.
"Please Mrs.Summers get her away from me he screeched."

"Sorry Alex dear better luck next time, and how many times have I told you to call me Sandra, Mrs .Summers makes me feel old, by the way "what did you do?"

"He...ditched...me...for...a...piece.....of...ass" I answer mom breathlessly while beating his crap.

"Oh my, that's hurt OK honey get off ally boy and you two come for dinner".

" Coming mom", Alex looked at me with pleading look and poke sincere, "peach am so sorry barbie, promise I won't do it again and if I want to I'll tell you before I act on it."

  I took his apology and get off him. He limped to the dinning room and I almost feel sorry for him:keyword Almost. We eat dinner talked about school and other stuff, we try to avoid Alex ditching me topic.

Alex left two hours ago and I helped mom clean up the dishes, the dinning room and went to bed, that night there was one single thing or person on my mind, the insanely beautiful stranger.


Well sorry I know it's short buh am really tired right now so am trying to keep updating new parts every weekends.
I know it has typos so I'll edit it when I have the time. Everybody makes mistakes.

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