It Wasn't A Kiss [Boyf-Riends]

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×Shot-gunning: When a person who's smoking takes a hit of weed and transfers the smoke to another person by using their fists to make a tunnel between their mouths.

Kinda hurried, whoops. Please help me. I said I'd have no time for posting but hey.

The room was lit very dimly, smoke making a weird illusion. If you were inside, you'd have no idea what was time it was since there was just one small window but it was closed with a curtain (a blanket, to be precise) dragged over it. The only source of light at the moment was a TV. Its screen was showing a game called 'Apocalypse of the Damned' - which was a two player game. Except no one was playing at the moment. The game was paused with a 'Game over' screen.
There was some shuffling sound, two bean-bags being pushed together. A body flopped down on one of the objects.

"Buddy, hand me the pot there on the table," the person on the bean bag asked.
He heard a grunt: "There's only one left... And you already got two... Are you sure about that?"
Jeremy grabbed the pot, walking over to the boy who was sprawled on the bean bag. "Michael, you look terrible," Jeremy chuckled, throwing it to him. Michael caught the pot and lit it, placing it between his lips.
"Oh, shut it, Jer. Let's play the game..." Michael offered Jeremy one of the controllers, smiling weirdly with the pot still between his lips.
"Alright," Jeremy smiled, sitting down on the other bean bag.

The boys played for a bit. But Jeremy wasn't paying too much attention to the game. From now and then he was stealing glances at Michael. He blushed when he realized he might be caught. Michael was concentrating on the game, but he was so high he was bad at the game that it made him look kinda angry. He looked good anyway, Jeremy thought.

"You know what Shot-gunning is?" Jeremy asked out of nowhere.
"I'm sorry, what?" Michael blinked, turning to face Jeremy. "I mean, yes? But... What?" his face was filled with somewhat confused expression. But then it was replaced by a smug smile. "Wanna try?" he moved on the bean bag, his body facing Jeremy now.
Jeremy was taken back by how quickly he answered. Michael's cheeks turned pink. Probably because of the drugs.

"Okay then... Come here," Michael waved his hand to motion for Jeremy to get closer.
Jeremy gulped and crawled over to Michael. He sat just next to him, their knees touching. Michael was looking at him, his hands resting in his lap now.
Jeremy gave him a weird look: "The pot, buddy, you gotta take a hit," Jeremy giggled.
"Oh I know alright," Michael blinked, he took one long hit, taking the pot out of his mouth.
Jeremy took this opportunity to lean closer. He almost forgot to use his hands to create a tunnel-- he could've just kissed Michael right there-- Jeremy quickly used his hands to create the tunnel. He noticed Michael had his eyes closed.
It went smoothly: Michael blew the smoke out and it went through the tunnel to Jeremy who received it.

When Jeremy pulled away, he stared at Michael who looked peaceful... Even if he was probably high as heck.
"Want another one?" Michael asked, startling Jeremy a little.
"... Yes..." there was just a little hesitation in his voice.

Michael took another long hit, his eyes closed all the time. The boy pursed his lips a little, signaling he's ready.
Jeremy lifted his hands to create the tunnel again, but stopped mid-air. This was his chance!
He took a deep breath. He rested his hands on each side of Michael and leant in. Their lips touched and Jeremy felt awesome. Michael let out a silent gasp, smoke traveling from one's lips to Jeremy's.

When Jeremy pulled away, he knew his face was red. But it wasn't the drugs. It was because of Michael. The poor boy had a crimson red face, too.
"S-sorry... I... Ehm. Sorry," Jeremy had problems to say anything more. So he just looked guilty.
Michael cleared his throat a little. "W-well... I guess it might be a little more effective this way."

The silence was terrible, but Jeremy managed to break it after a few minutes.

"It wasn't a kiss, right?" the question sounded stupid. Of course it was a kiss.
"Uh, I don't know... We... Should maybe try... A real kiss to make sure it... Wasn't a kiss..." Michael muttered.
"... Definitely," Jeremy nodded.

This was stupid. This made no sense, but there he was. In Michael's basement, about to kiss his best friend.
Michael threw the rest of the pot in a bucket he had there. He placed his hands on his stomach, looking up at Jeremy who was hovering over him.

Jeremy took a deep breath before leaning down, closing the distance between himself and Jeremy.
Their lips connected and Jeremy could taste Michael and it was... Disgusting. He smelled like weed, his lips tasted like weed mixed with chips and mountain dew. But he didn't pull away. He pressed on, making Michael gasp. It was better than he imagined. Well, minus the taste.
He realized Michael's hands moved to tap Jeremy on the chest. Jeremy took that as a signal and he pulled away, leaving Michael panting for air, his face a mess. Jeremy could bet he didn't look any better.

"W-well... Th.. This definitely was a kiss," Michael chuckled weakly. Jeremy rolled his eyes.
"You don't say," he laughed and reached to pinch Michael's cheek.
"Ouch-" the boy pouted, rubbing his sore cheek.
Jeremy smiled at how cute Michael was. He thought he might say something... And if it backfired, he could always blame drugs.
"Dude... I... I know this might sound weird... But I got this weird thing for you-" Jeremy stopped when he saw Michael giggling. "What?" he squinted.
Michael took a deep breath and tried to look as serious as possible. It looked hilarious.
"Jeremy, that's... That's a terrible timing for a confession... But... Same."
"The fuck, Michael..." Jeremy looked at Michael, judging him. Who'd say they return someone's feelings by saying it's terrible but adding a little 'same' at the end!?

Michael smiled slyly, reaching behind Jeremy's neck and hooking his arms there. He pulled Jeremy down for another kiss. It was awkward because their teeth clashed a bit, but neither of them minded as they kept kissing.

When they parted again, both a total mess now, Michael put on a smirk and said: "Just for the record... This was our first kiss as boyfriends."

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