You Were Meant To Be Mine [M. M.× Reader]

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Author's note:
So I got my very first request! I hope I did well!
Requested by @rainbowland75

Whenever you and Michael met, be it in the school hall, classroom, in the parking lot or 7/11, you two shared the most disgusted looks. Sometimes you felt like you scared Michael's best friend, Jeremy, off. Weirdly enough, you and Michael had incredible amount of things in common.
You were a Hella nerd and loser. You loved games. You were a pro at trivia from  random fields. You could spend all your money on vinyl records or slushies or games. You were also known for being a sarcastic dick.
Still, you considered yourself kinda funny too. Because you were, right? Yeah.

It was lunch break and you had just had your daily argument with Michael. Oh, you hated him so much! He just tried to outsmart you by pulling random trivia about evolution. Not gonna admit it out loud, but it was good trivia.
"Yeah, of course it's a good time to be bloody loser, Mell. You'd deserve a fucking medal for that!" you yelled as you saw him turn around to celebrate his victory in this little argument.
You heard him chuckle shortly before he said: "Why, thank---- Hey!" he stopped himself from thanking you.
It made you smirk but you had other things to do. Your best friend, Christine, surprised you from behind as she grabbed your elbow and pulled you to her.

The two of you were headed to your next class, but Christine just couldn't keep her mouth shut. She had to share her thoughts.
"Aw, (Y/n), how can you hate each other!! You two were literally made for yourselves!" she beamed, giving you a knowing nod.
"Christine... How many times do I---"
"OH don't give me this," Christine cut you off. "You always say that! But can't you see?? There is LOVE everywhere!" she beamed.
"Level of Violence! Right, Christine," you smirked, earning a huff from Christine.
"Why are you like this... HOW CAN YOU HATE HIM??" Christine raised her voice a hit, pointing somewhere behind you two.
You didn't feel like answering that. Giving only a shrug and a disgusted look as an answer.
Christine had no idea how to deal with you. You were driving her crazy by ignoring this 'TRUE LOVE' as she loved to call you and Michael.

You literally couldn't work properly without at least one argument with Michael per day. So much was obvious.

So, when one day you walked home and it was raining dogs and cats, it was definitely that one day you didn't bring your umbrella. Well, you never bothered to bring an umbrella with you as you didn't mind rain at all. This one time though? You had your regrets. It was unusually cold, unusually slippery and unusually windy. Actually, you doubted the Sun even existed anymore.

As you slipped for the sixth time on your way home and you were picking yourself up from the cold wet ground, you were already done with your life. Overreacting or not, this was not your cup of tea. You looked at your soaking wet jeans, sighing. Not your day, really.

You were about halfway home when you heard a familiar voice call after you. You groaned, half-heartedly suppressing facepalming.
'Hey, (Y/n)!" the voice called. "Wait a bit," he asked and you did so.
"Mell," you sighed instead of greeting him properly.

Michael caught up with you, an umbrella in his hand. He put said object above you.
"I thought you just looked really miserable, picking yourself from the ground like that," he chuckled.
You gave him a dirty look.
"Hey, no hard feelings, girl," he laughed. "Just wanna walk you home so you don't catch cold or whatever," Michael laughed, nudging you in the arm gently.
You didn't resist a small smile: "Yeah well, too late for that, but whatever I guess," you grinned, rolling your eyes.

You started walking again, with Michael by your side. He was really close, both of you hiding under his umbrella. You felt like he wasn't even trying to cover himself as he was trying to help you be safe from the rain. So, you grabbed the handle of the umbrella and made sure he was under the object too.
The two of you shared an unexpectedly nice chat, laughing all the time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18, 2018 ⏰

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