Are You My Soulmate? [J. H.×Reader]

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Soulmate AU for Jeremy Heere × Reader
Since you were little, you got used to the world being a silent place. You were taught the sign language and you used it every day of your life to have conversations.
It just confused you when you saw some people just opening their mouths without a voice coming out. How could they understand each other?
But there was a thing that your parents taught you: "There will be a time when you will hear the voices finally. Just wait until you meet your significant other." But how were you supposed to know when you met them?
Would the sound just appear? Would you suddenly hear whatever can be heard? Was it even possible? Could it be just as simple as that? But your parents didn't give you the answers you'd wanted. They just nodded, but that's about it.

Naturally, as time passed by, you stopped questioning. You lived your silent life with books and that seemed to be enough for you. You knew that it would happen -eventually.

But you just didn't expect it to happen the way it did. You were at your cousin's school play. You thought a play where the actors speak using sign language would be hilarious. The interesting part about this game was that, and it seemed ridiculous, the actors did BOTH the talking and using sign language. You know, because SOME of the audience might be able to hear because they'd found their significant other.

It was in the middle of the play and You were quite bored, but didn't dare to pull out your phone to check the news on social media.
Then a lanky boy in a stupid costume appeared. He looked shy, yet he seemed to know his lines quite well. He looked at the audience. It was a big coincidence that your eyes met before he looked away again.
The next time he opened his mouth to say his lines, it happened. Suddenly, you heard chattering and whispering. Soft music was playing as a background noise for the play.

His voice.

You looked at him with wide eyes filled with surprise and shock and excitement and-- and--- so many other emotions.
He seemed taken back just as you were. His eyes wide, just like yours, and filled with tears of happiness.
Other actors who were on the podium obviously noticed that. They all had smiles plastered on their faces - but then they realized they were in a play and their faces returned to the serious face of a passionate actor. Except for him.
He kept saying his lines, but you felt as if he was talking to YOU only. You felt his gaze often. And you were sad when he had to leave the podium.

At the end of the play, you were extremely impatient. The actors were giving their final bow or dip - whatever it was.
You had your eyes locked on the boy who was meant to be your Soulmate. He had his locked on you.
The clapping didn't even finish when he jumped off of the podium (earning a few surprised gasps from other actors and teachers) and you started to make your way through the crowd of people, mostly relatives of the actors.

You met halfway. By that time you were crying. Not only you. He was crying, too. He wrapped his arms around your waist and you didn't waste a second to cup his face in the palms of your hands.
"Finally," he whispered to you. "Finally I get to see you..." he turned his head a bit to kiss your hand, making you blush.
"You're a dork," giggles escaping your lips. He shrugged, innocent.
"What's your name?" he asked, moving one hand to rub your cheek and play with your hair.
"(Y/n)," you leant in his touch, closing your eyes.
"My name is Jeremy... that's unimportant... But... Please, never leave me..." he mumbled, leaning closer to you, resting his forehead on yours.
"I will never..." your hands traveled around his neck, locking them behind his neck.
You two fell into silence once again. A Comfortable silence. You were looking in each other's eyes. Then, finally, you leant in for a kiss. A soft, perfect kiss. It was better than you could ever imagine.

A loud applause accompanied by whistling and cheers filled the silence. You two pulled away, blushing. In the corner of your eye you could see your cousin cheering for you loudly. Jeremy looked around, nodding his head slightly in acknowledgment.
The crowd settled down, you and Jeremy exchanging looks and silent words of unspoken love.

You waited on Jeremy in front of the play's changing rooms - some random class rooms.  When he came out, now in his normal clothes, you found him even more handsome. You smiled, feeling butterflies in your stomach. You reached your hand out a little and Jeremy didn't wait to take your hand in his. He gently tugged on your hand to pull you closer. You squeezed his hand tighter while you placed a kiss on his jawline.
"Let me walk you home," he suggested. Then he corrected himself: "Unless... Y-You'd like to go with someone else--" what he said came out as a cute stutter that made you giggle.
"It's alright," you said, "my parents went ahead and my cousin is busy with giving autographs, probably," you joked.
Jeremy managed to smile, leading you out of the school building.

The two of you walked in peaceful quiet, both of you enjoying the presence of each other. You realized, and it made you smile, that the world wasn't really quiet at all. You heard could hear everything. The world was filled with uncountable number of sounds. From birds and other animals to the soft wailing of the wind.
It was beautiful.
He was beautiful.

And he was your Soulmate. You were meant to be together. You were going to be together forever.
"Jeremy," you said, looking up to him. He turned his head to look at you. "I love you..." your smile made his heart skip a beat.
He smiled, squeezing your hand in his in a loving grip: "I love you, too."

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