March 22, 1944

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March 22th, 1944

Dear Bucky,

I'm sure that must have been heartbreaking for you. No girls on Valentine's Day? I have to admit, given the stories you've put in the family letters about your friends? The very idea of you trying to get them to dance had me in stitches.

But no sweetheart? You? You've always had a sweetheart! Even if it wasn't serious, you were always able to find one. You had to beat them back with a stick. That's how Mrs. Donaldson always put it, right? Or was it Mrs. Grant? Honestly? It is pretty funny to think that Steve's taken all your thunder with the ladies. Even if for all the wrong reasons. You really think it's just because he's Captain America? That's horrible. But the more I think about it? The more I can say I'm not surprised. Remember Betty's obsession with him? It's cooled a bit, really, but I don't dare tell her that you're part of Steve's team, or that Steve is Captain America. I'm afraid of what she'd try to convince me to do. She'd probably beg me to get an autograph, or a letter or date or something. I don't want to do that to Steve.

Oh! You'll have to tell me all about it when they get together! If he likes her as much as you say, it has to happen, right? Or maybe not. He has always been a little awkward around girls, hasn't he. Except maybe me. I know he knows I'm a girl, but he doesn't think of me as a girl, you know?

And that's cruel that you tease him so! Especially since I can't be there to see it! I can't wait until you get back so I can have my turn teasing him again and see his reaction. Especially to the Captain America thing. I suppose that makes me just as bad. But then, he did tease me in his last letter about finally being taller than me, so he has it coming.

I'm glad your birthday wasn't totally forgotten, even if your 'cake' was only a cookie rather than one of Mr. Benson's cakes. We'll have to get one special for when you come home! One of his chocolate ones, with the raspberries, if they're in season. Oh! Or cherries. I'm getting excited just thinking about it!

And I can most definitely guess what your wish was. I'll be wishing it too. Having both of us wish is bound to help, right?

Win the War, Bucky. It isn't even here yet, and I miss having you home for my birthday. So make sure you win the War fast so you can be home for it next year.

Mom and Jack send their love along with mine. And I'd ask you to pass a long a kiss for Steve from me, but I know you'd likely do it for real just to get a rise out of him, so just a hug, please.

I miss you, big brother.

Lots of love,


P.S. I'm going to ignore the comment about being your kid sister forever.

A/N: Thanks for Reading!

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