September 3, 1944

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September 3, 1944

Dear Bucky,

I was afraid you were going to say that. But I'm still hoping anyway. I suppose that means I'd better start saving to send you, Jack, Steve and Gordon your Christmas presents.

And I am more than old enough, thank you. Or do I need to remind you of the number of girls you took out dancing when you were 18? Or the girls my age I know that are getting married? I do believe I made that point already, but I'll make it again, if you like. You should have seen the face Jack made when I made the same argument to him. It was actually quite close to the one I can imagine you making as you read this. One part bewildered, one part dismayed and all sorts of flustered.

And just so I can imagine you making that face and giggle about it: Gordon kissed me before he left. Ha. Now what have you to say about that? And it better not be that you're going to track him down and give him the older brother speech. Jack did that already. And I won't have you scaring him off. I like him, Bucky. A lot. Enough that, maybe, once he gets back, we might actually go steady. But he has to make it back first. And he'd probably find a reason to stay in Europe once the War's done if you go off and scare him! So you better not!

They're all going to be over there soon, you know. Jack's last letter said that he and Gordon are going to be shipping out directly from Basic on the 7th. That's less then a week, Bucky! And then he's going to be fighting too. Both of them. It's gotten me thinking, really.

I'm thinking about applying to be a nurse, Bucky. It's been wearing at me day by day to think of you all over there, doing something. Abigail's gone and done it. She came by and told Mom the week before she left for training. She said she needed to something worthwhile, and that idea of doing something to help men like Danny helps against the hurt of missing him. She left last month, and Mrs. Thomson came by to tell Mom that in a couple weeks she's being sent to Spain, I think. Even Eloise is doing something! Our cousin Eloise who would cry when she got dirt on her dress when we were all kids. She's been overseas for ages, now. And me just sitting here, working at Uncle Reg's store, waiting to hear what new and awful thing has happened.

I thought about going to work at one of the factories, you know, making supplies or arms or other war-related things. But then I remembered Steve's mother. I know I was only 10 or so when she died, and that I don't remember her as well as you do, but what I do remember is good. I remember her watching us from time to time, even before Dad died, when Mom had to help out at the store or had to go visit Aunt Lacey or something. I remember always admiring her and listening to some of her stories about working at the Hospital. I know being a nurse wouldn't be easy or pleasant—Eloise has made sure to tell me that—but I feel like I have to do something, Bucky, and that feels like something I can do.

I think I understand a little better now why Jack felt so strongly about enlisting after Danny.

I just don't know, Bucky. I wish you were here so you could talk to me about this. Or anything, really. Actually talk. Not that your letters aren't wonderful, but I miss being able to actually talk to you.

But then, if we were able to talk for real, it would mean the War was over and you'd be home.

Mom sends her love, and so do I. And if, by some miracle, you manage to see Jack and Gordon, please tell them I miss them too. I'd ask you to give them each a kiss from me, but I don't think any of you would be fond of that idea. So perhaps just a hug. I think you could probably manage that.

And favourite sister? I'm your only sister, you knucklehead, so I'd better be your favourite! Favourite sibling, maybe.

Love from your only sister,


A/N: Thanks for Reading!

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