Cast Away

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I never thought that I could feel trapped in paradise, Signe mused to herself as she aimlessly wandered around Heaven since there wasn't much else for her to do.

Most angels had left to fight the demons off from the gateways used by angels to enter Heaven while the humans were completely oblivious to everything around them since they were only focused on their own lives in their personal Heaven that was tailored for them upon arrival.

"Hey Signe."

Signe yanked herself out of her thoughts when she saw Robin standing in front of her, his clothes stained with blood flowing from the several cuts on his body.

"What happened to you?" Signe gasped in shock as she pressed a hand to his shoulder gently to heal him.

"The war isn't going as well as Naomi says." Robin stated with a grimace.

"Is there any way I can help?" Signe asked hopefully, wanting something to do besides watch over the humans.

"Trust me, you don't want to go down there and fight." Robin promised her with a dark expression falling over his face like a storm cloud.

"What's Earth like then?" Signe prompted eagerly, deciding to change the subject.

"I went to this place called America, it's very large. It's beautiful, yet dark and sinister at the same time." Robin explained.

"I wish I could go." Signe sighed wistfully.

"I know, but you can only go down if you're fighting." Robin reminded her.

"I know, but I still want to go. I feel trapped up here with nothing to do but watch humans live their boring lives until they end up here or with Crowley!" Signe huffed in irritation.

"Alright, I have an idea. I have to go back down anyway, why don't you come with me?" Robin suggested.

"I'd love to!" Signe squealed excitedly.

"Stay close then." Robin chuckled, grabbing her hand before they transported to Earth.

When Signe opened her eyes, she could see large buildings towering over her, her feet standing on pavement instead of grass like she had hoped.

"This is a city called Brighton in a continent called Europe, I was called here by PJ for something." Robin explained.

"You're right, it is beautiful here." Signe remarked as she looked up at the blue sky to see the vibrant afternoon sun beating down on her.

"Follow me." Robin commanded sternly, his tone abruptly shifting from playful to serious.

Signe fell silent and did as he said, noticing that people would occasionally shoot them a quizzical glance before looking away as they jogged down the street before stopping in front of a specific building that looked like a house.

"A little help would be great!" PJ grunted as he fought off three demons at once, all of them armed with angel blades that reflected the sunlight and made the rays dance as the blades spun around like silver blurs.

"What happened?" Robin shouted at PJ as he jumped into the fray without hesitation, his angel blade extended and ready.

"They figures out that I wasn't human when they saw me go to the angel gate to try and leave!" PJ yelled back as he barely dodged a slash from one of the demons.

"Signe go!" Robin barked.

Signe paused for a brief second, watching her friends fend off the demons before she ran towards the angel gate to escape.

As she reached her destination, a demon appeared in front of her with a wicked grin.

Signe screamed as she jumped back to avoid the angel blade he was swinging at her, wincing as the blade cut across her arm and caused blood to trail down her arm from the light cut the blade left.

As the demon geared up to strike again, she stumbled into the angel gate and disappeared with her breath caught in her throat as she stumbled out.

Instead of returning to Heaven like she was hoping, she found herself surrounded by a sea of green in an unfamiliar place where the sun was already setting.

As she looked around in the near darkness, she caught sight of a group of buildings nearby with only one house that had its lights on.

Out of curiosity, she flew to the window and peered inside to see a man with green hair sitting at a chair while yelling at some kind of box.

"Wow." Signe breathed in awe.

When he looked over at her, she couldn't seem to snap out of the trance his sapphire blue eyes made her fall in.

"Hello?" He called out, his accent evident in his voice.

"Um...." Signe trailed off, not knowing what to say.

"Hey, you look very pretty." He remarked as he stood up to walk over to her.

Signe panicked and flew back to Heaven, picturing his eyes in her mind every time she closed her eyes.

When she arrived, she breathed a sigh of relief when she saw Amy, one of her friends.

"Hey Amy!"

Amy jumped in surprise, seeing Signe suddenly standing next to her.

"Guess what?" Signe squealed excitedly in a hushed tone.

"What?" Amy smirked, rolling her eyes.

"I went down to Earth!" She whispered proudly.

"You're not supposed to do that!" Amy hissed, looking around to make sure no one was listening.

"But it's so beautiful! Everything is so green and there's rain that makes you want to curl up by a fire, it's amazing! I also met this nice man with green hair, he called me pretty." Signe admitted as she blushed a light red hue.

"What if Naomi finds out?" Amy whispered sharply.

Naomi was the closest thing they had to a leader since God was never around for whatever reason.

"Find out what?" Naomi appeared beside them as if she was summoned.

She was dressed in her usual black suit with her long brown hair tied up in a neat bun. Her frown sent shivers down her spine

"Nothing." Amy interjected as Signe opened her mouth.

"Did you two go to Earth?" Her eyes narrowed in suspicion as she scrutinized them.

Neither of them spoke for a moment, Amy and Naomi engaged in an intense staring match Amy didn't dare back away from.

"I went down to Earth for a couple of minutes, Amy's innocent!" Signe blurted, her gaze dropping to the floor in shame.

"I just wanted to see what it was like." Signe explained softly, tears rapidly welling up in her eyes.

"It's a shame your loyalty was misplaced." Naomi looked between Amy and Signe before snapping her fingers.

Signe felt the ground disappear from her as her and Amy were cast out of Heaven, her wings burning on fire with enough pain that she passed out as she fell through the air like a shooting star.

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