Real Life Nightmare

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"Hello? Amy? Sean?"

Signe looked around her, peering into the darkness she was surrounded by to try and find a way out.

She felt her breathing pick up as she walked around aimlessly, wishing she had her angel blade or some kind of weapon she could use to defend herself.

"You can't save me."

Signe whirled around to find Sean standing behind her, his sapphire blue eyes cold and emotionless.

"You're so selfish, worried only about yourself when in reality you're not the one in danger." Sean sneered as he stepped closer to her, holding a node in hand that he was now pressing against his neck, barely breaking the skin so a single drop of blood could drip down his neck.

"Sean no!" Signe cried, reaching out towards him.

"You're too late, he's already gone." Sean whispered before slitting his own throat, his crimson blood flowing from the wound like a waterfall as his body collapsed to the ground.

Signe sobbed as she fell onto her knees next to Sean's prone form, tears streaming down her face.

Suddenly she felt a hand wrap around her throat and lift her up into the air, gradually choking the life out of her.

"Say goodbye." Sean snarled, his eyes pitch black as he effortlessly snapped her neck with a swift crush of his fist.

Signe bolted awake into a sitting position, breathing heavily as she pulled her knees closer to her chest and wrapped her arms around them.

She pressed a hand to her cheek and felt that it was soaked with freshly shed tears, her body shaking uncontrollably in fear.

"It was just a dream, it was just a dream," Signe chanted over and over again under her breath to console herself.

Silently she got up off of the couch and crept down the hallway towards Sean's room and peered inside.

She watched his chest rise and fall with each peaceful breath he took much to her relief, glad that she didn't accidentally wake him up.

She tip toed away from the room and walked towards the door, opening it as quietly as she could before sneaking out and gently closing the door behind her.

She instantly felt cold rain pelt her from above, soaking her white t-shirt and jeans so they were almost see through.

Signe shivered in the cold, but continued walking away anyway to clear her head, her bare feet slapping against the wet sidewalk.

Her shoulder length hair was plastered to her forehead, strands if it also in front of her eyes.

She swiped her hair out of her face and hugged her arms closer to herself and looked up at the sky.

Instead of looking light blue like she expected, the sky was a light gray color with dark clouds peppering the sky, the sun hiding behind them.

She paused when she reached a bench, brushing some of the pooling water off before sitting down with a sigh.

What am I supposed to do now that I'm human? I can't do anything to help anyone! Signe thought in frustration as she held her head on her hands.

"Excuse me ma'am, are you alright?"

Signe looked up to see a short man dressed in a black suit with thinning black hair standing in front of her, his hazel eyes shining with concern.

Signe opened her mouth to speak, but found herself speechless when she saw his eyes flash from brown to blood red, a wicked smile lighting up his face.

"Nice to see you angel." Crowley chuckled, sitting down on the bench beside her.

"What do you want?" Signe asked quietly, avoiding making eye contact with him.

"I need revenge. You and your friends in Brighton killed a couple of my henchmen I had sent out on a mission that I needed them to complete." Crowley sneered bitterly.

"I-I didn't know." Signe stammered.

"Doesn't matter. You and your friends need to pay, so what better way to exact my revenge then by killing everyone you love?" Crowley shrugged casually as Signe froze.

"Anyway, nice chat Signe, but I must get going. I have some business to attend to." Crowley smirked before slamming her head against the back of the bench with enough force to knock her out instantly before she could ask how he knew her.

She woke up a few moments later, looking around to see the rain and Crowley gone, the sun shining in her face and somewhat drying her clothes.

Signe slowly sat up and gently rubbed her aching head, wishing she was an angel so she could make the pain go away.

Instead, she was stuck as a human who couldn't do anything.

Signe shook her head as she got up off of the bench and started walking around with her hands stuffed into her jean pockets, beginning to think that leaving the house was a bad idea since she didn't know her way back.

Fallen Wiish (Sequel to Heaven on Earth)Where stories live. Discover now