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Signe felt something gently nudge her shoulder, pulling her back to reality. She yawned as she cracked her eyes open, momentarily forgetting where she was until she sat up and rubbed her eyes, examining her surroundings.

As soon as they had gotten home, Signe remembered that she had drank some tea and had fallen asleep on the couch while listening to Sean yell at his computer more.

She was in Sean's apartment on his couch, wrapped up in a sea of blankets with an empty cup with a tea bag inside lying nearby on the floor.

She heard her stomach emit a low growl as she sat up, keeping the blankets wrapped around her.

"You like pizza? I just ordered some for lunch." Sean once again disappeared into the kitchen, this time returning with a flat square box from, a delicious smell coming from inside.

"I'be never had there supposed to be pineapple on it?" Signe frowned as she peered inside the box, hesitantly taking a slice.

"Yes, and if anyone tells you no, they're stupid and don't know what good pizza is." Sean nodded.

Suddenly something vibrated in Sean's pocket. He sheepishly pulled out of the embrace and pulled his phone out of his pocket, staring expectantly at the screen for a moment before his expression turned to disappointment.

"What's up?" Signe asked.

"I haven't heard from Mark in awhile, I'm kinda worried about him after the whole possession thing." Sean admitted, running a hand through his faded yellowish-green hair in exasperation.

"Have you tried calling him?" Signe asked.

"Yeah, but he hasn't answered any of my calls." Sean huffed in irritation.

"Call him again." Signe suggested. She prayed to God, wherever he was, that Sean's friend would answer the phone. She hated seeing Sean so worried, it made her feel guilty like it was her fault.

"I guess I could." Sean shrugged, his tone doubtful as he held the phone out in front of him. Signe could read the words "calling BUMBUM" on the screen, followed by three white flashing dots.

"C'mon, pick up pick up!" Sean hissed in frustration.

Signe was surprised when the scree changed, a man with faded blue hair appearing on the screen with Amy sitting next to him. They looked to be outside some kind of cafe and Signe could hear barking behind them before a golden retriever popped into view.



Amy and Signe cried in unison, glad to see the other alive and well.

"Mark, why didn't you pick up my calls earlier?!?" Sean shouted at the screen, relief flooding through him.

"I-It's a long story." Mark glanced beside him at Amy.

"Then you can tell us all about it when we come visit you." Sean decided.

"You kinda don't have a place to stay in anymore." Mark winced, bracing himself for whatever the Irishman would say.

"What?!?" Sean exclaimed, his tone a mix of surprise and anger.

"Who is he?" Amy asked Mark, gesturing at Sean.

"That's my friend Sean. Is that the Signe you told me about?" Mark looked at Signe.

Amy nodded, waving to Signe. Signe waved back, glad to see her friend again.

"I'm flying over to you." Sean stated firmly. Signe could tell by his tone that he wouldn't change his mind. Even though she barely knew him, she could guess that he was as stubborn as he was kind.


"Are you at least staying in a hotel?" Sean sighed, rubbing his face with his hand.

Mark and Amy stayed silent, their expressions almost apologetic.

"I'll see you soon." Sean ended the call.

"I have enough flying miles to cover the both of us." Sean spoke mostly to himself as he jogged up the rest of the stairs. Signe hesitantly followed after him, unsure if she should or not.

"We're leaving in a couple of hours." Sean told Signe as he pulled a worn black suitcase out of his closet and began filling it with clothes and other necessities.

"But it's nearly night." Signe frowned, gently pulling the black cloth that covered the window aside. The sun was nearly completely down, only barely visible above the rooftops of the other buildings.

"I booked us tickets for the first flight to LA." Sean explained, seemingly unfazed by the fact that it was late as he zipped up the black suitcase and dragged it down the stairs, leaving the apartment and waving wildly until he gained the attention of a yellow car with black stripes that had a sign that read "taxi" on the roof.

"LA here we come." Sean muttered under his breath as he crammed his bag into the trunk and sat with Signe in the backseat.

Almost as soon as the car started moving, Signe felt herself drifting off, her head resting against the cool window as she fell asleep to the rumbling of the engine and the soft music playing through the radio.

Fallen Wiish (Sequel to Heaven on Earth)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن