Tenth Birthday Ch 16

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Scorpius POV

I turned ten today; I was so excited, everyone was coming over, and mom was throwing me a big party. This time next year, I would be receiving my Hogwarts letter; I couldn't wait. Mom and Dad had told me so much about Hogwarts already; I just wanted to see it for myself already. Mom said the best place was the library where I could study. I laughed; dad told me many stories about how mom was always studying, all of the time. Dad said his favorite place was the pitch; I bet that will be my favorite spot too. I can't wait to try out for the team. I am nervous about what house I'll be in, though; every Malfoy has been in Slytherin; mom told me that the hat didn't even touch dad's head before it called Slytherin. I wanted to be just like dad; even though mom was a Gryffindor, I knew she wouldn't care what house I was in, as long as I kept my grades up. 

I went down the stairs two at a time and practically ran into the living room. "Good morning, birthday boy; how are you?" Mom smiled at me and hugged me.

"Well, thank you, when is everyone coming over?" I was eager to see James; we were best mates.

"Not until later, dear. You need to go have breakfast first, and then shower and get ready first." Mom replied and pointed to the kitchen. I was not too fond of breakfast; I hardly ever ate anything; I would much rather have a large lunch. I was just never hungry in the morning. Mother didn't allow this behavior, though, always stating how breakfast was the most important; many times, she would drone on about books I had never heard of, so today, I didn't protest and did as I was told.

When I walked into the kitchen, the rest of my family was there, including my Grandma Cissy, she had been on holiday for almost a year exploring the world. "Happy birthday!" They all yelled together. I smiled and ran over to her and gave her a big hug, "I missed you." I breathed into her dress. 

"I missed you too, Scorpius. It is good to be home finally." She smiled back and me before I turned and hugged dad. 

We all ate together, and then I went up to shower and change. "Scorp?" I heard Lyra call from behind me. I stopped and turned around. Ever since mom and dad told us about the war, I kept a careful eye on my sister. I didn't want to let down. I promised to protect her and the twins, and I wouldn't ever break that promise. "Yeah, sis?"

"Promise me that you will not let James chase me today, I don't feel well, and I don't think I can outrun him anymore. I don't feel up to it today, and I feel like if I don't run away, he will think I finally gave up. I haven't, though; I'm just so tired."

"Why are you so tired? Are you sick?" I asked, quickly ignoring the comments about my best friend. I knew he wouldn't listen to me anyway.

"I have been up late the last few nights reading. Mother finally let me read the parts of the books on the war. I wanted to know everything. It isn't fair to not know all of the wizarding histories. Although I think there are parts she is still leaving out. I haven't been able to piece together what he was hiding." She talked very fast.

"Well, probably because you are too young, plus it doesn't matter anymore. You should let it go; you are going to get yourself in trouble." I started to walk away, "I'll do my best about James." I called back to her. She smiled at me, went down the hall to her room.

After I had gotten ready, I went downstairs to wait for everyone to arrive. I was getting excited. I had asked mom and dad for a broom for my birthday, I didn't know for sure, but they never did tell me no. 

A while later, I heard the fireplace, so I looked up from the game of chess I was playing with Orion; he was already almost better than me at 4. The Potters all stepped into the living room. 

"James," I jumped up and ran up to him, "How is it going, mate?" I asked him.

"Not too bad, happy birthday." He replied.  I turned and said hello to everyone else before James, and I ran outside. We were going to ride until dinner. 

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