Training time!

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Welp... you meet Vile... again. Enjoy~

Y/N's pov: I woke up to a banging on the door. I got up quickly worrying something bad had happened. "Y/N." A voice I almost recognized said, even though it was muffled by the door. I got up and opened it to see Sigma on the other side, "Hello sir." I greeted wondering what was going on, "Here." He said giving me a small earpiece looking thing. "Hmm?" "Go to the mechanic, he'll put it on you." I nodded and he gave it to me. He smiled at me again as I walked out of the bedroom and to the mechanics. The mechanic's name was Corona Jumper (I just really wanted to make a reference to her), she put it on me and made sure it was connected to my internal programing. "Done and done, you're all set Y/N." "Thanks." I was walking out when an all to familiar reploid came in, the purple guy (NO NOT FNAF!). "Hmm? Hurt yourself already newbie? Figures." "No, I've had an earpiece upgraded to me." "Sure sure, look I wouldn't be surprised if you were killed on your first mission, 63% is still pretty low, know that much." "Yeh, well I wasn't gonna get 100% now was I." "I know I have." "You have! Not your first try." "Still got higher that 63%." "How'd you even know my score?" "..... Just.... I just have the right connections...." "Why would you care?" "...Reasons, look stay out of my business!" "Whatever!" I stormed out in a frightful rage. I saw a few reploids actually stop to not get in my path. 'Great. Now people think I'm a person to avoid.' I thought to myself.

Sigma's pov: I was walking around the H.Q, until I saw Y/N. Hmm? She seems to be mad, whoever made that flower upset should pay the price. However, I must wait, my plan won't work otherwise. Soon, everything will be in place, I'll how them all the potential of reploid's. I walk off to do some.... necessary work.

Vile's pov: Almost blew it. Crap if she found out somehow that I got way lower of a score than her on my first time, I won't hear the end of it. Still, she was adorable whilst she was mad though........ WAIT WHAT?! Why did I think that!? *heh* I guess she was though.

Y/N's pov: I calmed down a bit, I decided to go to the training room to get a better score. I was doing pretty good with all the enemies and got 78% this time. "Yes!" "Good but don't forget to not fight out of anger." I turned around to see a red reploid. "You new?" "Umm yeah, who are you?" "Name's Zero, Sorry for the interruption but I noticed the crowd parting like you were Moses standing on bottled water." "Yeah about that, I was just in a bad mood." "Well don't use that on the battlefield, it could drastically change the outcome." "I won't." "Your name?" "Hmm? Oh Y/N." "Nice to meet you Y/N. If you're done mind if I train." "Of course. Room's all yours." "Thanks, have a nice day." "You too." I said walking out of the room, nice to know most people are nice and normal.

Next chapter soon~ BYE!~

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