The War begins CX

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So this is where Sigma goes all bad guy on the world and well.... just read. P.S Swearing, lot's of it. And

Y/N's pov: It had been a month since coming here, I haven't really talked to anyone other than commanders giving me missions. I walked around the base, I saw Vile being taken into jail. "What did he do?!" I asked a bit shocked that a former hunter was being taken in. "He went against hunter code, he also tried to destroy X." I looked back and heard Zero say that. "He broke the code and tried killing X?!" "X is okay, but the damage that Reploid caused was to much for us to not take him in." "I see, at least X is okay." "WHY WOULD YOU CARE ABOUT THAT PIECE OF SHIT?!" Vile angrily yelled facing me. I backed up and he was throne to the ground by a huge hunter. "So where's X?" "In the meeting room, Speaking of which I should go too." "Well can I go see him?" "That's a good idea. I think it'd be good for him to see you." I questioned why'd he say it like that. I never the less I went to go see him.

"Hi X." I said, "Oh, hello Y/N." "Is there a meeting soon?" I asked, "Yeah, it's about the recent maverick activity, we're trying to find out who's controlling the mechanaloids." "Well at least we dealt with Vile." I said, ".....Was he put safely in jail?" "Well, he was pummelled to the ground then thrown in jail." "I see, did any one get hurt?" "Nah, everyone's pretty good." "Good.". It was an awkward silence "So did you want to see me?" He looked at me "W-what?" he answered nervously "Well Zero said it would be a good idea to see you." "I see." "Well I wanted to check you're safe." "Thanks. You stay safe." "I will." "Bye." "Ciao." I said walking out of the room. I walked along the corridors to find the training room. I heard an alarm go off as it seemed a hundred soldiers ran to take their places. I ran with them grabbed my F/T/O/W and got ready for whatever showed it's face at the area we were sent too.

It was a huge building with police bots (I'm calling them that) outside making sure no humans got in. We went in to see a murder scene of dozens of reploids, I gasped, seeing many dismantled and deformed corpses littered throughout the place. Further along stood X and Zero, talking to Sigma, I listened in. "I see. Zero, what do you make of this?" Sigma asked, "As it shows, whoever attacked these reploids did it so all their weak spots were hit." Zero explained, I looked at some of the corpses, seeing this as true. The heads and chest areas were obliterated. I shuddered hoping they were ended quickly. I see commander Sigma walking towards me, "Y/N...." he said, "Y-yes sir?" "If I may, I suggest you do not take the next mission." "What, why?" I asked, "...You seem..... shaken up, we can not have an unstable soldier on the field, it could result in failure." I nodded and understood, but how would he know when an attack would be?

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