Episode 4

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Sin City

Casey: Guess you should have paid more attention in Latin class.

Dean: I don't know what you're smiling about, you're not going anywhere.

Casey: And apparently neither are you.

Dean: Yeah but I got somebody coming for me and uh... he did pay attention in class.

Casey: Oh right-Sam. Everyone says he's the brains of the outfit.

Dean: Everyone?

Sam: You do realize there is red meat within striking distance, right?

Dean: No way he gets a girl like that. I mean, look at her. You could fit that ass on a nickel!

Richie: Wow, this is, er, charming. You sure you wouldn't be more comfortable in a bedroom, or my motel room? I mean, not for nothing, but you know... I got oils.

Casey: But I have toys.

Richie: Yeah, no, toys trump oils...

Dean: So if we wanna go check out these omens in Ohio, think you can have that thing ready by this afternoon?

Bobby: Well, it won't kill demons by then, but I can promise it'll kill you!

Sam: No offense, but what are you doing here, Father?

Father Gil: Like it or not, you go where your flock is.

Casey: Plus the clergy drinks for free.

Dean: Spiritus emundi, undalara, persona tote...

Casey: Nice try but I think you just ordered a pizza.

Bartender: What's wrong with you? Think I'm gonna give you a coworker's address just so you can go over there and get your freaky peeping tom rocks off? Corner of Piermont and Clinton. Have fun.

Dean: Azazel?

Casey: What, you think his friends just called him Yellow-Eyes? He had a name.

Sam: For some reason, you're fighting on our side. Why is that, again?

Ruby: Go screw yourself, that's why.

Dean: There's got to be a demon or two in South Beach.

Sam: Sorry, Hef, maybe next time.

Dean: All you demons have such smart mouths.

Casey: It's a gift.

Casey: You know Winchester boys are famous. Not Lohan famous, but you know.

Casey: Why Dean. If I didn't know better, I'd say that's lust in your eyes. Well, it would be one way to spend the time. But I don't think you'd respect me in the morning.

Dean: That's okay. I mean hey, I barely respect you now.

Ruby: On the bright side, I'll be there with you, that little fallen angel on your shoulder.

Dean: Think something's wrong with my brother?

Bobby: Nah. Demons lie. I'm sure Sam's okay.

Dean: Yeah.

Casey: So you see? Is my kind really really all that different than yours?

Dean: Well, except that, uh, demons are evil.

Casey: And humans are such a lovable bunch. Dick Cheney.

Dean: He's one of yours?

Casey: Not yet. Let's just say he's got a parking spot reserved for him downstairs.

Casey: Just this year, you people racked up a body count that amazed even us. Now it's our turn. And this time, we're doing it right.

Casey: Why don't you relax?

Dean: Why don't you kiss my ass?

Casey: Why, Dean, you're a poet. I had no idea.

Dean: Oh, I forgot to mention Richie was a friend of mine, once I realized I could track the GPS in his mobile I wanted to give him a proper burial, better than lying in some skank's basement.

Dean: Anyone could have tackled that guy, wrestled the gun away... prevented a mass murder.

Sam: You drink hurricanes?

Dean: I do now.

Dean: What are you laughing at, bitch? You're still trapped.

Casey: So are you... bitch.

Bobby: What do you want?

Ruby: Peace on earth, a new shirt...

Casey: You know, not a lot of us say this, but your likeable.

Dean: A demon just complicated me. I'm sorry, but I don't know how to respond to that.

Casey: You could try saying thanks.

Casey: Kind of funny, don't you think? You and me sitting here like a couple of regular folk.

Dean: Yeah, it's hilarious. You know, in that apocalyptic sort of way.

Dean: Speaking of downstairs, what's it like?

Casey: What Hell? That's right you booked a one-way ticket with that deal. You're not going to like it Dean.

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