Episode 14

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Long-Distance Call

Sam: So you two were talking a case?

Dean: No, we were uh, we were actually talking about our feelings. And then our favourite boy bands. Yeah, we were talking a case.

Dean: Mrs. Waters, withholding information from the police is a capital offense. In some parts of the world, I'm sure.

Dean: Is that, uh, BustyAsianButes.com?

Stewie: No... maybe.

Dean: Word to the wise. Platinum membership, worth every penny.

Dean: Wow, you know, you'd think that Stanford education and a high school hook-up rate of 0.0 would produce better results than that.

Sam: Hilarious.

Dean: I just talked to an 84-year old grandmother who's having phone sex with her husband who died in Korea.

Sam: Ew.

Dean: Completely rocked my understanding of the word "necrophobia".

Sam: I mean, Dad? You really think it was Dad?

Dean: I don't know. Maybe.

Sam: Well, what did he sound like?

Dean: Lke Oprah. It was Dad, he sounded like Dad, what do you think?

Dean: I mean, what if he calls back?

Sam: So what, if he calls back?

Dean: What do I say?

Sam: Hello.

Dean: Hello?! That's the best you can come up with?

Sam: And it's following you because...?

Dean: I guess I'm big game, you know? My ass is too sweet to let out of sight.

Sam: So, what the hell is going on here, Dean?

Dean: Beats me. Better find out soon. This thing's turning into Spook Central.

Sam: Dean, it's not Dad.

Dean: Then what is it?

Sam: A crocotta.

Dean: Is that a sandwich?

Stewie: Yeah! That's what happens when you mess with the phone company, dillweed!

(Winchesters beaten up)

Dean: I see they improved your face.

Sam: Right back at ya.

Sam: There's nothing wrong with hope, you know.

Dean: Hope dosn't get you jack squat.

Dean: And the only one who person can get me out of this thing is me.

Sam: And me.

Dean: "And me"? What, deep revelation, having a deep moment here. That's what you come back with? "And me"?

Sam: Do you want a poem?

Dean: Moment's gone.

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