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Just in case Y/B/N is your brother's name
No ones POV

You sat beautifully in your wedding gown as your bridesmaids fixed your make up and hair. They talked of randomness so you started to think of when you met your soon to be husband.

*flashback 20 years*

You sat on the sidelines with you mom cheering for you older brother who just passed the ball to another player. Even as young you were you still could tell he was cute. After winning your brother came over with the kid from earlier.

"Mom this is Minho can he come over for dinner?" Your brother asked.

"As long as his parents agree," your mom stated. Minho ran back to the field were a man, lady and and older but still young boy stood. You could see the to boys bouncing in anticipation for the answer. They ran back with wide smiles on there faces as Minho's family walked over to us.

"Hi I'm Minho's dad and she's my wife," The man introduced your mother shaking both of their hands.  "Are you okay with him eating dinner with you?" He asked to confirm.

"Of course it's no problem," you mother answered. You looked over to the boys who's smiles managed to get even wider when their plans were officially approved. The parents exchanged numbers and started a conversation about adult stuff you didn't care about. Your brother, Minho, and who you assumed was Minho's brother we on the field kicking a ball around. You watched as the older one gave your brother and Minho some soccer tips and paid attention since you also enjoyed the sport. You pretended to kick a ball and wished for one to appear. And like magic one did. You looked to see who's ball it was and your brother was telling you to bring the ball over. You did you best to dribble the ball and your brother was proud in your effort.

"Ah, Minho, Minsoek this is my younger sister Y/N," your older brother introduced.

"She plays soccer?" Minho asked.

"Learning, I'm teaching her," Y/B/N stated proudly placing a hand on your shoulder.

"Let's play a game then,"Minsoek suggested.

"No," you protested.

"Why?" Y/B/N asked

"You Guys Are are Professionals!" You cutely exaggerated.

"Were not professional yet so you can still play with us," Minho stated wanting to see you play.

"Really! Okay let's play!" You scream excited.

"Teams?" Minsoek asked.

"I think Y/N should be on Minsoek' steam since it's more even," Y/B/N stated.

"Okay, first to five points win," Minho added. The game started and you ran around trying you best against your brother and Minho. Minsoek gave your team 4 points already but Minho and Your brother were tried and the next person to score would win. Minho had the ball and you managed to steal it from him leaving him in shock and immediately passed it to Minsoek you were close to the goal with no goalie(you played with out them) Minsoek passed it back and you kicked it into the goal. Your brother cheered for you since it's you first time actually making the ball in to the goal. You could hear you mom as well. Minho came up to you and shook your hand. "Good Game," he stated. Your mom called you telling you it was time to go and you walked back to her

*End Flashback*

"Y/N it's time," Your made of honor told you giving you the flowers and leading you out. You smiled as you say you soon to be husband smiling widely even wider then when he was younger.

SHINee One Shots(Requests open)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora