Minho #2

193 4 1

Requested by Kiblebla
No ones POV

You looked around the lunch room for you best friend Minho. You saw him at a table with four other boys. "Y/N! Sit over here!" He called out pushing the boy's tray next to him across the table. The boy stood up and moved across the table to his tray. You eyed Minho suspiciously as you sat down. "How was your day?" He asked sweetly.

"Good," You shortly replied

"Good? That's all?" He asked

"Yeah," you answered.

"What's wrong?" He questioned.

"Nothing. what's wrong with you?" You asked.

"You seem very off today..Do you have a cold? Fever? Cough? Stomach ache?Head ache?" He worried

"No," you responded.

"You have a deadly disease!" He stated eyes widening.

"Have you lost your mind?" You asked

"Yes a long time," he commented

"Why are you so worried?" You questioned

"Because..," He thought for a second. "I like you. No. Love you," he declared.

"What?!!" You asked in disbelief

"I love you. I love You!" He clarified happily smiling widely.

I tried my best

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