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Requested by Kiblebla

No ones POV

"Will you go out with me?" Jonghyun asked

"No thank you," you politely declined

"What!? Why not? Do you have a boyfriend?" He questioned

"No. I just have my eyes on someone else," you stated. He walked back to his seat and got teased by some friends. You looked at the door waiting for your crush. The bell rang and class started without him. I'm pretty sure I saw him this morning. Where did he go? You tried your best to pay attention but all you could think about was him. The bell rang and you went up to pick the only person to ever talk to him. "Hey Key, have you  seen Onew today?" You asked

"Why would you want to know?" He questioned giving you a stank face.

"Because... it's not like him to miss school," you replied

"Okay... well I saw him earlier talking to Jonghyun and Minho before class but I don't know where he went after that," he explained. You thanked him and went to the rooftop which is Onew's number one hiding spot. He was placing his book into his backpack when you saw him. The sound of the door closing seemed to have scared him as he looked up. Then looked back down to finish putting away his stuff.

"Why weren't you in class today?" You asked

"No reason," he quickly replied.

"I heard that Minho and Jonghyun talked to you. What did they say?" You questioned

"Nothing," he quickly replied starting to walk away.

"I LIKE YOU!" You screamed. He stoped mid-step. "I like you onew," you repeated. He turned around with the biggest smile on his face that you've only seen a few times since you first saw him.

"I like you to," he stated turning around a walking away.

I know this is crap but yeah...

My plan is to make one shots for Key, Jonghyun and Taemin by the end of the day so I can make a birthday special for Minho tomorrow.

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