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Your POV

"Mira! Mira I told you! I'm sorry!"
"Laxus that isn't going to work anymore!"
You shut your eyes tight...
You stopped trying to think of it...
You had caught him at the bar that day...
"Laxus! Hey wha- who's that?!"
"Oh, I'm Laxus's girlfriend..."
"Oh! I-i never knew! I'm Laxus's younger sister..."
"U-um, (Y/n) right? You're a mage and former model?"
"Oh uh, I never thought anyone would notice!"
You shot a quick glare at Laxus for committing a sin like cheating...
"Well! I have to do something today at Sorcerer Weekly, I'll see you at home Laxus... "
Your head hurt thinking of it...
'Why didn't I stop them? Why didn't I say anything?'
"I told you! Nothing is going on! Mira you're thinking crazy!"
"I'm thinking crazy?! You think I'm thinking crazy?! You cheated on me for heaven's sake!!"
"And what if I did?! You never even spent time with me, just going to Lisanna's grave all the time!!!"
"Leave Laxus! Get out of my house!"
"Fine! Don't expect me to come back..."
"I wasn't going to!! As of today, you are nothing to me!!!"
The door slammed shut, following Mira's sobbing...
"Oh (Y/n)! Why did he do that? Why?!"
You patted the beautiful girl's back...
"Mira, you still have me..."
She hugged you tightly...
"(Y/n) I'm sorry you had to hear all that!"
"I-it's fine, my mom and dad used to have worse fights before Laxus-nii found me...."
Mira grasped your hand and smiled...
"I bet you're hungry, and so am I, so let me cook some food!"
You grabbed her hand...
"Let me cook Mira, just rest a bit..."
She wanted to argue, but your soothing voice urged her to listen...
"I don't know..."
You sat her down and went over to the kitchen...
You cooked up some of your mother's soup...
"Mommy! Mommy! Are you making your soup again?"
"Of course sweetheart, anything for my little water mage...."
Yes, you were a water mage...
You grabbed two bowls of the soup and walked over to the couch where Mira was...
"Here, my mom used to make it for me..."
"Thanks, really..."
You sat down next to her and smiled as she happily ate the soup...
You felt your hand falter a bit...
'Oh no...not again...'
Your father was a cruel person...
Always putting random lacrimas into you...
"(Y/n) are you ok?"
"I'm fine..."
"You weak child! It's just one lacrima! I'm doing this for you! For you!!"
"Papa no! It hurts Papa!"
"You'll feel better, trust me my baby girl..."
A lacrima to support the heart...
A lacrima to support the lungs...
'Which one is failing now?'
The bowl crashed to the ground spilling all its contents...
"Oh hello Mira, did I ever tell you that you have beautiful eyes?"
She chuckled...
"You baka, you might be dying right now and all you can do is tell jokes..."
"No no, I'm fine, just get Laxus-nii or someone with lightning magic to hit me with their magic..."
"You mean attack you???"
You nodded and she sighed...
A loud knock sounded on the door...
"I can sense when my sister needs me...."
"You baka, just help her..."
Laxus rolled his eyes and grabbed you...
"Can you stand?"
You nodded and walked outside...
"We've done this hundreds of times, just do it Laxus-nii...."
"Whatever you want kid, Lightning Dragon's Roar!"
This one was unexpectedly stronger, maybe because of his anger right now...
"Oh f*ck, (Y/n) that's too strong!"
"I can take it..."
You crossed your arms in front of your face...
'Oh this is gonna hurt...'
It pulsed through you and you gasped...
'Sh*t, too strong...'
You were thrown into a nearby tree...
"Dammit (Y/n)!"
Laxus ran over to you...
"Sheesh, sorry sis..."
You laughed and Mira ran over blushing...
"Glad you're alright now (Y/n), now go away Laxus..."
Mira scoffed and pat your shoulder....
"Let's go inside..."
You nodded weakly and she picked you up...
"Thanks Mira..."
She set you down on the couch and smiled...
"Go on and sleep, I'll just do some chores..."
You nodded and she grabbed a pillow and blanket...
"Go to sleep (Y/n)..."
"Wait Mira..."
You gulped...
Her beauty always amazed you...
Her smile left you breathless somehow....
"I love you..."
She giggled...
"I already knew that silly..."

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