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Your POV

"Ah! Gray-kun, where is that girl you said we would meet?"
You were walking through the mall with your best friend, Gray Fullbuster. He said to meet a girl there.
"Gray-sama? And who is this?"
You turned to see the most beautiful girl in the world. She had shining blue eyes and flowing azure waves.
'She's a goddess..'
"Hm? Gray-sama, is this (Y/n)-san?! She's beautiful."
You snapped out of your trance and smiled at her.
"Juvia Lockser at your service (Y/n)-san!"
You felt cold shocks when you held her hand, yet you felt strangely safe. You felt safe with this girl. But her eyes looked like otherwise. Yet it bypassed you so easily.
Gray grabbed your arm and Juvia stopped him.
"Juvia would rather get to know (Y/n)-san if that's alright?"
Gray sweatdropped, but nodded. You grabbed Juvia's hand and she squeezed it softly. She mumbled something under her breathe but you disregarded it as reassurance.
"Let's go get ice cream (Y/n)-chan!"
You were dumbfounded at the quick honorific change from -san to -chan. Your heart was pounding in exhilaration. Your knees were getting shaky. You were gonna faint again.
"(Y/n)-chan? A-are you okay?"
You faintly nodded and your eyes rolled back and your body hit the ground.

Juvia POV

"Oh no! Oh no! I should've done more research! I would've known how weak-hearted she was if I took another day! Baka! Quick, her favorite drink is (f/d)! Let me get that for her!"
I grabbed my phone and dialed Gray-sama.
"Yes, Yandere? What do you need."
I rolled my eyes.
"Yeah yeah, Gray-sama she fainted!"
"Of course she fainted."
"Shut up! She doesn't know yet, she just fainted! Out of nowhere!"
"Did you try bringing her home and laying her down?"
"She'll know I've been stalking her!! Gray-sama you're forgetting that I'm insane! You're only alive because of (Y/n)!"
"Fine fine, I'm coming, just hold on Yandere."
"No, anyways, I'm on the way, and you'll be surprised when (Y/n) really shows herself."
"Just hurry up!"
I ended the call and sat by her. I made a mental note to deal with everyone that checked her out. Maybe 10 minutes later, Gray-sama came to the shop.
"Thank you Gray-sama!"
"Whatever, you're welcome Yandere."
He picked her up carefully, making sure not to touch places that were rightfully mine.
"I'll be back Gray-sama, remember to cover for me."
"Don't get caught."
"I won't."
I ran off to my car and got changed quickly into a wig, contacts, and glasses, along with switching my license plate secretly. I pulled up my hood and hid my knife. My first victim was coming my way. He was tall, brown hair, green eyes.
"Excuse me."
I said as weakly as possible to seem quiet and in need of help. He quickly walked over and held my shoulder. I smiled softly.
"I was robbed just a while ago, I can barely walk, c-can you please help me to m-my car?"
He nodded and I led him to the parking lot and to my car. As we neared the car I took the chance and pushed him to the ground and slit his throat. I put his body into a bag and hid him in a secret compoartment in my car. I quickly changed into different clothes and a different wig and contacts for my next victim. I put the old clothes into a bag and quickly bleached them to make it look like I was doing laundry or something. I also switched my license plate again. I have friends, a lot of them. Some work in the government, some in law enforcement, others to make sure I have the resources to pull off all my killings. They all know me and what I do, yet they help me because they are like me too, slightly insane, yandere maybe. In the midst of my contemplating, my next victim had already approached me.
"Hey there beautiful, how are you? How would you like to spend a day at my place?"
I pulled my beanie a little bit.
"Wow, you're such a beauty. With pale pink hair like that and beautiful green eyes, I'd really like you at my house today."
"Well handsome, I think that sounds amazing."
I said in a different voice from earlier. No one can suspect me, in this world, I don't exist, I have many names,many faces, and many voices. I am a ghost. I have no identity. I pulled him into an alley and smiled.
"What are you doing? Why are we here beautiful?"
I cracked my neck and smiled, cocking my gun I held it up and put on a silencer.
"No reason."
"W-woah! What do you what from me?! Money?! What?!"
"I want you dead."
I shot him once, twice, four more times.
"Don't mess with what is rightfully mine bastard."
I dragged the man to my car and did the same thing as earlier. My phone rings unexpectedly.
"You shouldn't have left me alone Juvia-chan, Gray-kun was hasty and very vulnerable today, that made the killing much easier~"
"(Y/n)-chan what do you mean?"
"He was saying how much he loved you, so much he said, but I wouldn't let that happen Juvia-chan! Juvia is mine, and Gray-kun was being an obstacle."
I chuckled. A yandere too? Insane too? Perfect for me.
"Don't worry (Y/n)-chan, I'm coming home, I can't get caught today, not with two dead men in my car."
"Juvia-chan are you killing for me?!"
"Yes my dear, I'll be home soon."
"I'll see you soon Juvia~"
I stopped by Lucy's house first.
She was in the middle of a killing I suppose, I heard her voice in the basement and that only meant she was killing.
"Juvia! I apologize, this slut was eyeing Natsu-senpai again."
I hummed lightly and dumped the two into the furnace.
"Is it (Y/n) again?"
"Yes, and I'll be back, she has apparently murdered dear Gray."
"Wow, you found yourself a yandere."
"Aren't I absolutely lucky?"
"Of course, now go, I'll pick Gray up later."
"Thanks Lu!"
I rushed home and opened the door to find a very much dead Gray and a very chirpy (Y/n). I closed the door and she chimed happily.
"Juvia! You really shouldn't have left me alone with Gray-kun, now's dead, what will I do now? I lived with him, oh how I wanted to kill him, so badly I wanted to, and I finally did it. Are you proud Juvia? Did I do good?"
She smiled happily and waved around the bloodied kitchen knife.
"Good job (Y/n)-chan, now where would you like to go?"
"Room! Bed! With you. Let's go Juvia-chan~"
"I'm coming baby girl."

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