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Your POV

Another day in Rogue's house...
Another day of hearing Sting and Rogue f*ck 24/7....
Sting, who was laid across the counter, chuckled...
"Go to Yukino's house then..."
You grumbled...
"If only I could Water Dragon Roar Rogue's d*ck out your a** so I could leave in peace..."
"You could always join..."
"Sorry, I'm bisexual and I don't f*ck my brother and his boyfriend..."
Rogue chuckled...
"Go and f*ck Yukino then, I'm sure she'd love to..."
You growled loudly and ran out the house...
You knocked on Yukino's door and she happily opened the door...
She gave you a kiss and pulled you in...
"So, I'm horny and I was really tempted to call you but I know those two dragon slayers cannot stop when it's mating season..."
"You know Yuki-chan..."
You pushed her to the couch...
"I felt the same way..."
You ripped off her shorts right away and she giggled feeling you kiss her thighs...
"I love when you're dominant..."
Her expression quickly changed when you viciously attacked her entrance...
"Oh~ Yes! (Y/n)~"
Her legs rested on your shoulders and you hummed to intensify the pleasure...
"Motto (Y/n)-chan!!"
You thrusted in two fingers and Yukino screamed...
Her eyes rolled back a bit and her mouth was parted to let her voice escape....
Her screams were getting louder and more high pitched until she came violently...
She screamed your name and you almost came at the sound....
"My turn~"
Yukino made you hold the couch's arm rest and grabbed your hips...
She pulled you down and her tongue touched all the right places...
You grinded against her and sweat covered the both of you...
Her mouth did wonders and you'd be lying if you said it wasn't the best...
You came violently and she pulled you harshly to sit...
Her tongue plunged deeper and you were falling limp...
She made you sit and she ate you out again....
You screamed until you couldn't anymore...
She sighed and laid against your stomach...
"That damned brother..."
Yukino chuckled and hummed...
"(Y/n)-chan, Sting-sama is just being a heada**..."
You laughed at her comment and kissed her cheek...
You both passed out on the couch for an hour or two...
You woke up before Yukino and went to make some food...
"Yes my dear?"
"I'm hungry..."
"I know, do you want onigiri?"
She nodded gently...
You stood up to make food, but Yukino stopped you almost immediately...
"Ie, nevermind (Y/n)-chan! Stay here and we can do more..."
You chuckled at Yukino's hidden pervertedness....
You grabbed her arm and pulled her to the bedroom...


Sting knocked on the door lightly and you groggily opened it...
"Hey si- what the f*ck did you do in here?"
The house was kinda a mess...
"Nothing, what do you need?"
"Well me and Rogue were going on a mission and wanted to know if you wanted to go..."
You gave Yukino a quick kiss before leaving...
"Come home okay?"
You nodded and took off with the twin dragons...
The mission was to deliver a very powerful spellbook to a retired wizard in the forest...
When you reached the destination, an old lady opened the door...
"You must be here for the spellbook! Well, here it is! Your reward will be waiting for you when you return..."
You took the book and began walking with Rogue and Sting...
You were looking through the book only to realize it was blank...
"Well that's interesting..."
"Only we can see that writing girl, and that's going to be our book soon..."
A gruff voice said from behind the group...
"Water Dragon Roar!"
The man quickly absorbed the water...
"What the?!"
He chuckled and held up a doll...
"Voodoo magic, dark magic, I know it all!"
You were thrown to the side violently...
You threw the book to Rogue and he grabbed it before it hit the ground...
Your back smashed against a tree and cracked violently...
'M-my back! I can't feel my back!!'
Sting ran to you and picked you up...
"We have to get out of here!"
Sting was pushed to the ground and you felt pain travel through you and you screamed...
"Aw, does it hurt missy?"
You could hear Rogue getting attacked heavily and panicked...
"Sting!! Sting!!!"
The man grabbed Sting by the throat and you started to cry...
"Let my brother go!!"
"Shadow Dragon's Roar!"
The man grunt at the contact and turned around, dropping Sting like a lump...
"(Y/n), c-can you get u-up?"
"N-no, Gomene Sting..."
You grabbed his hand...
"Why do you do this (Y/n)?"
"Sting, I-i think this is it..."
Rogue yelled in pain...
"Go, Sting..."
You gave him a smile and he ran to Rogue...
You groaned as the man lifted you up...
"What about her? What would you do for her??"
"Don't touch her..."
You couldn't feel your legs, nor the blood dripping down them...
"She's pretty~"
He trailed a hand on your cheek...
"Even with blood trailing down her glorious legs and body..."
You grabbed the rough hand holding your throat...
He bit your leg hard and you screamed...
"You f*cker!! Leave my sister alone!!!"
"Sting! Rogue!"
"Leave her alone will ya?! You damn pervert!"
He grabbed the spellbook from Rogue and you screamed...
"Anything but that! I'll do anything, DON'T TOUCH THAT BOOK!"
You screamed in desperation...
Rogue and Sting growled...
"You dumba** don't say that!"
"She can say what she wants..."
The man held your forearm and squeezed...
"In that case..."
He caressed your side and smirked...
"I want you to scream my name all day long..."
Your eyes bulged out in fear...
Sting was furious...
Furious at this man's request...
"Don't touch my sister!!!"
You heard a loud smack and Sting was lying on the ground...
"Open! Gate of the Twin Palace: Pisces!"
You looked behind you to find your white-haired beauty standing there...
"Don't touch my girlfriend..."
She sounded angry, furious...
You smiled softly at her...
You had bled out too much...
"Let go she's going to bleed to death!"
'Wow, Rogue's the smart one...'
You had lost feeling in you arms and soon you would lose all feeling...
"Sayonara, min'na...."

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