Mira~jane x fem reader

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Mira's POV

I was working my usual shift at the guild. Everything seemed normal until the two opposing elements decided to go at it. I was dodging tables, chairs and cups even some people!
Once erza settled the fight Lucy walked over to me.
"Hey Mira I have a friend that's gonna be here any second now but me and the rest of the guild is gonna make a small fishing trip mind making her comstable
While we are out?" She asked smiling a bit to wide for my liking
"Sure Lucy but why haven't I had a notice of this trip?" I seemed a bit confused but before she can giver her answer the guild doors opened and a godess walked in.

I accedently dropped the cup that i was holding. Lucy giggled which brought me out of my trance.
"Ohhh~ Mira close your mouth your about to catch flies" she teased while her and the guild walked away snickering at me

Pt2 coming soon ~Noonie

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