Mira x Lucy

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Mira's POV:

why cant boys take a NO! like wow Laxus your the guild masters grandson but that does not mean that every girl once you, especially me I mean were playing for the same team. my thoughts quickly gets washed away as I see sparky waving his hand in my face.

"oh sorry Laxus! I just zoned out, heh sorry what did you say?" I said in the sweetest tone I could muster.                                                                                                                                                                                         "oh...that's alright Mira, I was just wondering if you would like to go out sometime?" he gives me a hopeful smile and I almost feel sorry for him but..............I don't....  :) 

Before I could give him an answer my lovely  girlfriend of a year strolls up behind the bar counter and wraps her arms around my waist as I lean back into her embrace I close my eyes in content.

I open my eyes just a little to see laxus's face and it is priceless. he had a glare set on lucy and his hands are clenched. i look up to see lucy smirking slightly.

"oh sorry Laxus were you saying something? sorry i interrupted!" lucy says with fake innocence, but i can read her like a book and right now she is aything but innocent.

"no no its alright! i was just saying if Mira would like to get lunch with me tomorrow? you know to get to know eachother more" he says that while smirking.

" oh well again im sorry but me and Mira have plans for tomorrow! ya know, THINGS to do"lucy retorts back, knowing that the was she said 'thinks to do' made Laxus jealous.

"well maybe Mira should decide if thats true blondie and besides wouldnt she want a MAN to do THINGS with?" laxus sassily replied back to the blonde beaty above me. i look up and see lucy looking down, upset, which makes me upset cause she is my blonde angel. i unwrap Lucys arms from around my waist and lean up and kisses her cheek, giving her a reasurring smile.i walk around the bar and stand infront of Laxus, before he could say anything i raise my hand and putting it on his mouth silencing him.

" looky here sparky, i dont need  man to do THINGS with as i have a perfectly capable girlfriend who does it very well." i smirk as i think of an idea.

"ERZA, HAPPY, NATSU, GRAY!!" as soon as i shouted there names they came running into the guild." laxus here made lucy upset and is trying to ruin your ship" in a heartbeat laxus went running as the four runs after intending of teaching him a lesson.

i hear a snicker from behind me, i turn around to see lucy blushing slightly.

"no one gets in the way of there ship do they love?" lucy says while sitting on the stool.

i smirk as i walk closer toward her. " hmmm true but no one gets in the middle of us doing our THINGS as you put it." i kiss her cheek and walk back to my position as i hear cana laughing about how red lucy is.

The End

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