Part Six

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"Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap. Crap."

Hellboy had fallen into deep despair, having heard what had become of the only person able to pilot the Type-Z T.A.R.D.I.S. between dimensions.

In his desperation, he paced all throughout the console room.

The eyes of the Hawkins residents followed him, wondering how long he would go on. Even Dustin realized at one point, "Dude, you said 'crap' over fifty times in under a minute."

"She doesn't have her T.A.R.D.I.S. and she doesn't have her sonic thingamajig," Hellboy reflected. "How in the hell are we gonna save her?"

He hardly noticed Eleven brisk past him, approaching the control console.

She placed her hand on the alien machinery and the entire room marginally quaked around them. "We're here," she told the others.

"Where?" Mike quizzically inquired.

Hellboy should have remembered the inexplicable connection Eleven had to the T.A.R.D.I.S. She brought them to the dark dimension, which she referred as "The Upside Down," with a simple touch.

"Well, the hard part's done," Hellboy said. "The harder part is finding where Si and the kid are." A shrewd grin manifested on the half-demon's mug. "And I know just the thing."

"What've ya got?" Hopper asked him.

"There's this song Si sang all the damn time that annoyed the crap outta me," Hellboy said. "Maybe we can use that."

Together with the Hawkins inhabitants, Hellboy rerouted the speakers within the console room to play the Spinners' "I'll Be Around" outside of the T.A.R.D.I.S. It broadcasted across the Upside Down, presumably alerting every possible living thing within a 100-mile radius to its location.

"This is a really bad idea, man," Lucas noted.

"Yeah, it is," Hellboy wholeheartedly agreed. "But it's the only one I've got, so I'm goin' with it."


The spider entity was relentless.

It repeatedly shook the foundation of the public library.

Inside were Si and Will, both holding onto each other for dear life. Will would have considered it an esteemed pleasure to be hugging a girl as gorgeous as Si had his life not been in danger.

Just when it seemed like the end for them, the entity stopped.

"W-What's going on?" Will questioned.

Si wondered the same, right before they heard music – a familiar tune to Si's ears.

"The Spinners," she acknowledged it. "That's 'I'll Be Around'! That's my song! My favorite song!"

It was literally music to her ears, as it meant just what she imagined it to be:

"They've found us! I don't know how, but they did!"

Will found it too good to be true. "How do you know for sure?"

"Because there's only one guy in the multiverse I know who hates that song."

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