Bumping Roads (A One Direction Fan Fic)

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Hey you guys! This my first fan fiction story. I see a lot of people writing fan fictions about One Direction  so I thought "Hey I should give it a shot." Sorry if its short I want to see if peope would actually be interestesd in this story before I continue.....please comment is ud like me to continue!

Thanks! Xx


 "Oh gosh, why me?" I thought as I woke up on a Monday morning. My droopy eyes looked over to  my alarm and saw it was 6:00. The sun still wasn't up and I'm awake. That should be illegal, waking up before the sun. Huh, that'll happen change when I rule world. I yawned and went to my closet to get ready for my summer job. I worked in this carnival at Santa Monica Pier over the summer. In September, I'll be going to a university away from this place. Don't get me wrong I love California it's just that I don't feel like I belong here.

"Bye Mom!" I yelled while running outside. I got in my 1969 Camaro and drove off  to Santa Monica. There was never that many cars this early in the morning so I didn't have to worry about traffic. I sighed and turned up the radio. I started humming along to the song when I saw in my review mirror a fancy black car speeding up. It caught up to me and started honking me. I sped up and stopped at the red light. Before I knew it Bang! The car crashed right into me.

 My breathes quickened as I took in the impact. The owner of the car behind me seemed to have gotten out and walked towards me. Before he was able to reach my door I passed out..... 

"No mom, I dont want peanut butter." I muttered. I felt someone shake me and I slowly opened my eyes. I was looking into green sparkly eyes. I blinked a couple of times to make sure I still wasn't dreaming. Then I stretched my arms up and realized something. 

"Oh my gosh I left the light in my room on!" I nearly shouted.

"What are you talking about?" A deep voice said. "Did you hit your head hard?" I then realized that he was the owner of the green eyes. And he had an accent!

"Oh my gosh you have an accent! That is so cool! Can you say 'Mother can you pass the butter?'" I asked looking hopeful at him. He gave me a bizarre look like I was a mental person.

"Um no, and llike I said before, are you ok?

"Why wouldn't I be ok?"

"You know what just happened right?" he questioned.

It took a couple of moments before I realized what he was talking about. He crashed into me with his car! That little, when not little he's tall. That tall jerk just crashed into me!

"You hit me with your car! Who do you think you are crashing into me! I could sue you! Not could, I am going to sue you!"

"Whoa whoa calm down there ."

"Don't tell me to calm down! I could of died! I have every right to freak out!"

"I know and I apologize for that. Please don't report this I don't want this getting in the papers."

"Why would it go in the papers? It's not like you're famous or anything."

"You really don't know who I am do you?" I took in his apperance after he said that. Hmm a tall guy with green eyes. He has an accent and still dresses like he's in the UK. 

"Nope still don't know who you are." I responded.

He sighed "I'm Harry Styles, you know from One Direction." I stared at him and realized he wasn't lying. My best friend has been obsessed with a band named One Direction and even showed me picture of them. In fact, she were trying to stalk them right now since they're in L.A. Huh, guess she didn't do a good job on that.

"Oh, I know who you are now!" 

He sighed in relief. Then looked up at me. "Please don't tell anyone about this, I'll give you money to fix your car, just please let it be our secret." He pleaded

I stared at him for a couple of seconds.Then had a wonderful idea. "Okay." I said.

"Thank you very much!"

"In one condition." 

"What is it?"

"You have to give me two backstage passes to your next concert." I told him.

"But my next concert is in New York. And you're not even a fan!"

"Perfect. And it's not for me, Mr.Styles, it's for my bestfriend and I plan on going with her. Oh and do you think you will be able to pay for our tickets and hotel too?" I questioned.

"What? Absolutely not! You're insane! Do you think I'd actually do that!"

"Then I guess you don't mind me calling the cops to report an accident?" I said giving him an innocent look while batting my eyelashes.

"Fine. We leave first thing tomorrow morning. Oh and what's your name?" He said finally giving in. 

"It's Williams. Amelia Williams. " He nodded. Then he gave me wave and zoomed off with his car to wherever he was going in the first place.

Haha Harry Styles. You are one easy person to trick.  I checked out my car and saw that the back bumper was completely damaged. Well I was going to get a new car next month so it didn't even matter if he damaged it or not. Gosh I'm an evil mastermind. Oh and I got my best friend a birthday gift! Two backstage passes to a One Direction Concert in New York!!!


Please comment if you liked it! I'm sory I didnt include the other boys in this chapter but they'll be in the next one! Promise!

Thanks! Xx


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