Chapter 2

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"Hey Stella!" I yelled excitedly at my best friend. She turned her head and when she saw me she immediately ran my way. She was running across the pier of Santa Monica to meet me.

"Hey Amelia!" She yelled back while giving me a hug. Stella was about my height and had short blond hair with blue eyes with a natural tan.... a typical California girl.

"You won't believe what happened to me today!" She said.

"Oh I have something to tell you too!"

"Well mine is more exciting!"

"Doubt it." I muttered under my breath

"Anyway! I saw One Direction at the recording studio downtown! Oh my gosh they were so hot! It was weird because Harry wasn't there. He didn't show up till about an hour later." Stella said

I gave a nervous chuckle and looked down at my feet. "About that..."

"Amelia...what happened today?" she said slowly looking at me with her blue eyes.

"Ugh okay but please don't freak out, ok?" I replied.

She nodded and I explained the story about how Harry crashed his car into me and how I made a deal with him. By the time I finished she had her mouth open with shock and surprise. Oh wow it looks like she might faint any second.

"Stella?" I said shaking her slowly. I then waved my hand in front of her eyes and she blinked slowly.


"Yuppers so you better start packing when you get home. The flight is tomorrow at 6:00 a.m." I told her. She nodded then we said bye to each-other. I went home a couple hours later and started packing for my trip.


Early the next morning I was awake before the sunrise, once again. I drove my car to Stellas' house and honked the horn. Ha I bet that woke up the neighbors. A couple of minutes later she walked out with her purple suitcase.

She had a huge smile on her face when she got in the passangers seat. "I'm so excited! Do you know how many girls wish they were us right now?? About millions of them! I mean come on, we are going to travel with One Direction! Oh gosh I hope this isn't a dream...." she rambled on and on. Ugh it's gonna be a long drive!

After a hour we finally got in the airport. We saw light flashing and heard screaming. Stella and I turned around and there they were, One Direction.

Stella on the way here showed me pictures of each of them to try to get me to memorize all their names so I don't supposedly "embarrass the crap out of her" well I feel bad for her, I kinda forgot some of their names. Security made their way toward Stella and I then they pushed us with the boys. Well I guess Harry told them about us. 

After passing all those paparazzi and loud fans we were finally in peace and quiet while waiting for the plane to come.

"Harry, that was the girl that blackmailed you?" I heard a blond hair boy ask Harry.

"Ya, thats her, the evil child." Harry responded.

"AHAHAHA OH MY GOSH YOU LET THAT SHORT GIRL BLACK MAIL YOU?" A brunette boy said. All the boys started cracking up.

"I'll have you know I'm 5'4! That is not short! Well Harry, now I know where you got your manners." I responded glaring at all the boys.

"Louis, shut up! Sorry babe, ignore Louis, he can be rude at times but I promise you he isn't always like that. I'm Liam by the way." Liam said. Hmm at least Liam's nice. Liam had short brown hair with brown eyes and he was tall like Harry. He was dressed in a red and black plaid shirt with black jeans and red converse.

"I'm Louis by the way and sorry about that, really I am. I got a little carried away there. It's just that I cant believe Harry got blackmailed." Louis told me. Louis had brown hair with blue eyes. He was wearing a striped shirt which reminded me of a sailor.

I nodded "It's okay, oh and I didn't blackmail him. We had a deal, didn't we Curly?" I said turning my head towards Harry.

He glared at me for the name I called him and nodded his head. Well someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

The blonde hair boy who talked to Harry first said his name was Niall. He had awesome blue eyes that reminded me of the ocean.

Then there was a boy who's name was Zayn. He had black hair with brown eyes. He seemed to be fixing his hair after he introduced himself.

Stella has been quiet the whole entire time and I just realized she hasn't introduced herself yet, so I gladly did it for her.

"Hey guys, this is Stella, my best friend." I said grabbing Stella so everyone can see her.

"Oh, she's the one who's actually a fan." Harry muttered. I rolled my eyes at him which he didn't notice. He made his way over and shook her hand. The rest of the boys did the same after him.

"Sorry guys, Stella's kinda shy right now, I don't know why though." I said turning toward my best friend.

"Maybe because I'm meeting my role models right now and I'm scared of making a fool out of myself." Stella said. Ahh that's the Stella I know, not the shy one who's an imposter of her.

"Oh come on Stell, you don't have to be shy around us, we'd probably be the weirdest people you know." Zayn said giving her a kind smile. The boys and I gave each other a weird look for the nickname Zayn gave her. Zayn kept talking to Stell while the rest of us turned away.

"Oh that looks good! Can I have one?" I asked Niall. He was eating some chili cheese fries.

"No." he replied eating one of the fries. I begged him but he kept saying no.

"Sorry about that, Niall doesn't like to share his food since he's always hungry." Harry told me coming to stand next to me.

"Niall give her some of your food!" Liam said trying to take away his fries.

"Nooooo. I'm hungry." Niall whined running around us while Liam was chasing him.

"Liam, why do you even try? You know he'd die before giving you his food." Zayn shouted to Liam across the room.

Louis quietly walked up toward Niall and Liam and tripped Niall when he slowed down. Niall fell down to the ground and everything went in slow motion as all of us watched as his fries were slowly flying across us. Finally the fries landed right in Harrys' face.

I was the first one that broke the silence when I started cracking up at Harrys' face. The rest of the boys followed along with me and let out a bark of laughter. Even Stella was quietly chucking to herself.

Harrys face was all covered with chili and cheese. He was shocked at first but then realized what has happened. Niall stopped laughing and backed away slowly.

Before we knew it Harry was across the room trying to strangle Niall. "Niall I'm not going to hurt you, I just want to hug you." Harry told Niall.

Then, a security guard pulled Harry away before he got to Niall.

"Aww! Paul! I had him! Why'd you do that?" Harry whined.

"I did that because the plane arrived and you need to go wash you face. For god sake kid, why'd you put that on your face." Paul said joking slightly.

All of us started laughing again and Harry turned to glare at us.

"I like this girl Harry, it could of been someone worse you know, like a freak who only wants us for our body." Louis said. The boys cracked up after he said that.

"Ya, I guess." Harry said. Then he walked to the restroom to go wash his face off.

After Harry came back with his face clean, Paul told us it was time to board the plane.


Thanks for the nice comment on the last chapter. Hope you guys are enjoying the story! The next chapter would probably be up on about Tuesday or so.....

Thanks! Xx


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