Chapter 6

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Side Pic is Austin------>



The next morning came peaceful. Everyone got up in a good mood and with smiles on their faces. We all took our time to get ready and we were out the door in no time. No, I'm just kidding, it was the total opposite.

All of us slept in. By the time one of us woke up, it was already noon. Good thing the person that woke up was Liam since he had a 'special' way of waking up the boys. He said it's especially hard to wake up Harry and Zayn but, after threatening to take away Zayn's hair products and cutting Harry's hair, they woke up in a jiff. Boy, those boys love their hair more than I love mine.

“Holy guacamole. Didn't anyone set an alarm or something?” I asked rubbing my eyes as I walked to the kitchen where the others were.

“Holy guacamole? Boy haven't heard that in awhile.” muttered Niall

“Uh, actually I did but, I didn't hear it go off. Sorry guys.” Zayn shrugged.

“Well, whos genius plan was to let Zayn be in charge of the alarm clock? He can sleep through a tornado.” Harry commented obviously grumpy that Liam woke him up.

“Well, it's not like you would have been any better, you're the same!” I defended Zayn.

“Well no one asked for your comment, Amelia!” Harry replied back.

“No one asked you to give your comment either about Zayn.” I said getting up on Harry's face daring him to say anything back. We stared into each others eyes for a couple of seconds until one of us gave up. We both knew we were messing around so we didn't take it offensive.

“You win this round.” Harry whispered which cause me to smile.

“Well, I win this one and many others to come, Mr. Styles.” I whispered back.

“We'll see about that.”

“You guys are like an old married couple!” Louis said breaking our little showdown.

“Shut up!” Both Harry and I said at the same time to Louis. The rest of the boys and Stella chuckled. After that all of us forgot that we were in a tight schedule so we rushed to get changed.

By the time we were finished it was already two in the afternoon, it took forever since we only have two restrooms for the seven of us. Trust me when I say these boys take longer than me to get ready. I just threw on a plain black shirt with denim shorts and black converse. It took me about three minutes to do that and about two minutes to put my hair in a messy ponytail. I casually waited in my room until the boys got finished. I will admit, they dress better than me. Guess all the time they took was worth it.

“Well Amelia seems to be pretty popular since yesterday on twitter.” I heard Stella whisper to Harry. I turned around and saw Stella showing Harry her phone. He seemed to scroll up and down on her phone so I guess he was reading the tweets.

“What's this your talking about?” I said making my way over to them.

“Um, nothing.” Stella stuttered. I rolled my eyes at her. I always knew when she was lying. I put my hand out and Harry gave me her phone.

I went through them and read some that said stuff like, 'Harry has a mystery girl!' and 'Who is she???' there was also this one that just said, 'ASDFGHJKL' under the topic.

“I saw some pictures of us from yesterday when we were walking with those girls. They must of spread the word on twitter.” Harry told me.

“Eh, whatever as long as they don't find out who I am I'm cool with it. Good thing none of those pictures had a shot of my face. I just don't want that much attention put on me.”

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