Chapter 3

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SORRY IF THERE IS ERRORS! If you have any suggestions of who could play Amelia and Stella please let me know! I'll give u a shout out in the next chapter if I pick ur person! 



As strange as it may seem, I've never been on a plane. I don't know what was going through my head the past day that I haven't even thought of me boarding a plane. So, I guess you can say I was kinda freaked out when the time came...

"Oh my gosh! We're going to freaking die! Did u hear that? Is that suppose to happen! This is all your fault Harry! Why'd you ever make that deal in the first place!" I said holding on to my seatbelt panicking. I glared my brown eyes at Harry as he tried his hardest not to laugh.

"There's nothing to be scared of it's perfectly saf-"

Harrys words got cut off as the plane started shaking violently. I remained quiet for the shaking to stop. No, just kidding, I screamed my lungs out freaking out even more. The good news is that the boys had their own private jet so no one saw me freak out......except the boys and Stella.

After a couple of minutes the shaking stopped so I began to relax a little bit. I heard a person coughing next to me and I saw that Harry looked as scared as me. If not, I think he looked worse than me. So much for Mr.Tough Guy.

I laughed at him then it was his turn to glare his green eyes at me.

"Shut up, you were scared too." Was all he said before turning to face the window.

"It's going to be bumpy for a couple of minutes, please remain in your seats for your safety." The pilot said through the speaker.

Louis got up from his seat and walked toward the restroom.

"Louis, didn't you hear what they just said? You're not suppose to get up from your seat!" Liam told Louis.

"You gotta go when you gotta go." Was all that Louis said before entering the restroom. An awkward silence passed the airplane as Louis said that.

"Well I think Louis shared too much information there, don't you lads think?" Niall said. All of us nodded our heads in agreement.

The airplane kept shaking furiously as I held on for my dear life. I was the only one freaking out over it, Harry just seemed to close his eyes when the shaking happened. Louis came back a couple of minutes after and as he was halfway to his seat the biggest shake yet happened and Louis fell down right on his face.

"Well that's what to get for not listening to the pilot and me." Liam said smiling.

I high fived Liam, who was across from me. He smiled at me and gave me a high five back. Louis got up and started rubbing his face.

"Oh gosh! My precious face!" Louis said a little to dramatically. You could see a red mark across his face. It looked like he got a carpet burn on it.

"Dude, did your face slide across the carpet? You have a huge mark across it! Ahhahahaha that's too funny!" I said not bothering to hold my laughter.

Harry started laughing with me. Everyone stared at us as we kept laughing a couple minutes later.

"Come on guys, it wasn't even that funny." Zayn said.

"Yes it was! Did you even see when he fell?" Harry said.


"Awww I'm sorry Boo Bear." Harry said in a baby voice to Louis.

"BOO BEAR?? THAT JUST MAKES THE WHOLE SITUATION MORE FUNNIER." I said wiping the tears from my eyes from laughing so hard.

"Amelia! Stop being so rude!" Stella said finally joining the conversation.

I shut my mouth right away. "Sorry Stella.." I said shameful.

"I don't think it's me you should be apologizing too...." She said evilly. I glared at her. All the boys watched us with amusement.

"Ugh! Fine......Sorry for laughing at you for the hilarious face plant you did............Boo Bear." I said the whole apology fast except for the last two words that I knew would get him angry. The boys barked out with laughter.

Stella shrugged and said, "It was worth a shot." Then she turned her attention toward Zayn.

"Let's not forget about you.......Harold." I said smiling innocently to Harry.

"That's karma Harry!" Louis said now laughing with the boys. Harry muttered a few curse words and turned to look outside the window.

"Well, Amelia what do you want to do first?" Liam asked me.

"Don't you have to get ready for the concert?" I asked them.

"Nah, the concerts not till a couple of days then after it, we head back go L.A to perform there." Niall told me.

"Will security let you go without them?" I asked again.

"No, but have you heard of the term......ditching them?" Louis said giving me a mischievous look.

If there's a couple things I knew, it be that Louis seemed to always get in trouble. But, he sure knew how to have a hell of a good time. And that's the main reason why I came on this trip. To have a summer I won't regret.

"Let's do it!" I said happily.


June 19

Im sooo sorry this chapter is short and it took me a long time to upload! I was really busy and I had writers block!

Omg so yesterday I went to the boys hotel! Guess what happened?? I saw Josh Devine 3 times! I also saw Olly Murs! And Baby Lux and Lou!

Nail drove by and waved at us! Jesus take the wheel he was so beautiful!

Ok, so 5 minutes after we left Niall actually snuck by security and said hello to all the girls and talked to them -_- seriously after 5 freaking minutes! He could of came out 5 minutes earlier and I would of met him! 


June 21

LIAM CAME OUTSIDE THE HOTEL! I TOOK 2 PICS IF HIM! HE WAS SO FREAKING CLOSE! He seemed scared when all the girls ran toasted him even though security held them back...felt bad for him...

Also saw Harry but he was kinda far away...he was on a little porch on top of th doors....



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