Chapter 15

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As the recreation games proceeded, I found myself roaming the halls of the stadium absently as I tried to make out what the noises in my head meant. It seemed that as the day progressed, the worse the sound and static became. It was also impossible not to notice how bad it got when I was around Iida, and now Karafuru. The two of them weren't related in the slightest as far as personalities go, so I could only conclude that my relative closeness to the person was the cause of the noise. Though, that still didn't explain why the noise all but vanished when I heard Midoriya's voice. Maybe it was because he wielded One For All. Maybe whatever it was that produced the noise was afraid of his power, or maybe his light.

Anything related to darkness had to be afraid of the light, right?

As I roamed the halls, I clearly didn't notice the voices growing louder, for when I looked up, Iida was standing before me, midway in tossing orange juice cans into the recycling bin. I thought about turning around and making a run for it, but that proved to be a useless attempt as he quickly walked up to me.

"Osoroshi.." he mumbled, stopping suddenly with his hands held aloof. "I.."

I didn't say anything and looked down. Anything but that look in his eye would be a better alternative.

"I.. have so much to talk to you about." He said, finally allowing one of his hands to land on my shoulder. It was suffocating suddenly.

"Out with it then." I demanded rather loudly, and I could feel Iida tense at the echo my voice produced.

"R-right," he cleared his throat. "About that night..."

"It doesn't matter." I cut him off and maneuvered my way around him, though something stopped me as he turned to look after me.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked, tone soft and almost offended.

"Nothing, Tenya —"

"Is it your quirk? Is Nightmare somehow messing with you again? We can talk about this, Osoroshi, I —"

"Tenya," I bit, turning over my shoulder to glower up at him. "Did you ever stop to consider that this may just be who I am now?"

His eyebrow raised at that. "What do you mean?"

"Think about it," I hissed, now turning completely in his direction. "I've been acting different, even I noticed that. I've been distant. I pushed you away and screamed for you to get the hell away from me. But here you are, still here. Still pestering me."

"P-pestering?" Iida breathed. "Osoroshi, I know you. I know that this, whatever this is, isn't you. We can get through this, we —"

He tried to touch me again, and in turn I slapped his hands away and growled.

"I don't need you," I barked. I sounded foreign to myself. "I don't need Hiroe, or Niji or Bakugou. I've been getting along fine on my own and I plan to keep doing just that! I don't need anyone's help, especially not the help of a spoon fed, four-eyed idiot like you!"

Iida's eyes widened. He looked horrified. Hurt. Completely and utterly shocked. I was shocked with myself, and almost confused by the words coming out of my mouth. There was a ringing in my ears and that sounded something like a sickening cackle, followed by the faint phrase of, 'you're mine,' and then utter silence.

Iida was silent. My mind was silent. I was breathing heavily and taking from the heat behind my eyes, I could tell that my hair had turned black and my skin had turned a few shades paler. He was staring at me, wide eyed, with seemingly nothing to say.

"This isn't you." He uttered, voice shaking.

I scoffed, goddamnit I scoffed. I rolled my eyes and pushed passed him. I walked away without looking back, much like how I did with everything else. In that moment I labeled myself as a coward, but I was far too prideful to go back and apologize. I was too prideful to tell him that it was my quirks doing, for I was sick of using my quirk as an excuse for my behavior. Maybe this was the new me, and maybe I did mean those words I said to him. And maybe the rage I still felt was real, and not just a figment of my imagination.

Brave Heart ((TENYA IIDA X OC))Where stories live. Discover now