Chapter-1 The power of Sake

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Chapter-1 The power of Sake

(A/N: )

I don't own Naruto. as tempting as it is.


Anyway, This is mein first fanfiction of Naruto and Sas-UKE!

and yesh I would love to kill anyone of the characters if u don't review. And I mean anyone.

Anyway, Review BITCHES.!! okay the bitches part is just a joke. Kay? Review, Review and ohh... REVIEW!!

Have a cupcake~

-Ja Ne!-


Remember: this was only made because I was bored and I was currently in this fandomness.



The power of Sake gives you the chills


(3 years ago, 13 year old sasuke)

Sasuke Uchicha, The boy who was loved by many fan girls, the boy that is always the liked one. The boy who is always calm and smart, Is now in his house sulking and drinking sake for God know how many long.

And I guess your wonderin' why this guy is drinking cheap sake and sulking his body to the bones, Well I'll tell you what happened.

It was 4:00 in the afternoon and team 7 already happened to be finished in training. But no one could tell what the aura upon the three of them is. Naruto just confessed his undying love to Sakura, and all Sasuke can do was stare at the new 'couple' you got it right..'COUPLE'. I mean WTF?! Sakura just said YES to Naruto, To the dobe. To his Usoratonkachi.

Sasuke gritted his teeth and turned his heels and began running towards his house, ignoring the complains and whines from his team mates.

And now he's stuck on being the sulking bastard who was growing mushrooms everywhere. He really is indeed in love with Naruto, He brought the sake back on his mouth only to be finding it empty.He groaned and sulked even further, he was about to stand up when suddenly he heared the front door knock,  in response he threw the empty bottle of sake across the room that almost hit Naruto square in the face. "What the fuck, Teme?!"  Naruto ask, he unkowingly sneaked up the front door to see why Sasuke ran away from them but upon knocking and entering he might have died due from heart attack. I mean, he was almost hit by an empty sake bottle! He closed the door and made his way to the drunk sasuke.

“Oi, teme. What the. Huh. Happened to you?” Naruto asked, slightly seeing the slightly sappy raven in front of him. “ night” the raven mumbled, Naruto tilted his head. Confusion in his face. “what?” he asked “Just One night, please..” Sasuke began to make his way to the blonde boy. “S-sasuke, w-what happened?” Naruto pointed, stuttering every word. Sasuke looked at him with very lustful eyes. “Just One night, It’ll be over.... Just one night.” He said, while locking Naruto in his arms. “Just one night” he repeated.

Well you could guess what happened next.

In the morning, Sasuke woke up with an unfamiliar pain in his lower region, back and between his legs. (yeah, Naruto’s the seme and Sasuke’s the uke), he has a hung over, and last but not the least  a familiar blonde is sleeping... NAKED beside him.

His eyes widened when he remembered.. well everything.


“Sakura only said yes to make you jealous,”

“Guess that means you were jealous for me rather than her.”

“Dobe, More..”

“Shit, teme. I won’t hold back anymore.”


“Ahhh~ get inside me naruto!”

Oh my god how much does he like to kill his self now. Sasuke only blushed, there was no way in hell he did THAT with naruto. There was no way, there was nooooooo waaayyyy!!

“Hey Teme, I guess you’re already up” Naruto said rubbing sleep out of his eyes. Sasuke’s head faced him with an unknowingly confused and embarrassed look on his face.

“So, Teme. Am I good at it?” Naruto ask, his face was now showing his signature grin with a smirk on top, he posed like a mermaid ; like the one with the hand over the head for support whilr the whole body was still lying the bed? And it pissed the Uchicha more.


“The fuck, Dobe?! What the hell happened last night?”He screeched into a very un-uchicha like.

“Oh, Did you forgot it already? Do you want me to put it all the details?” Naruto smirked at the blushing raven. “GET. OUT. NOW!” Sasuke ordered. Naruto snorted and grabbed his pants.

“Hai, Hai. Sasu-kun” he smirked .

Sasuke only threw a bottle of lotion towards the said blonde.

So this is what the power of sake was.

It’s really depressing if you ask me. ( ll-_-)

(A/n) ehehehehehe.. sorry for the crappy Introduction. But I’m really pissed off these days, so expect a rather depressing chapter next.  Please forgive me for the OOCs and the wrong spellings and for the small chapie!!

And stay tuned for more, cause this is not a story that is for comedies..

but either way,

-Ja Ne!-

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