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In all of his years as a wandmaker, Ollivander had sold many wands to many young witches and wizards, but he had never seen the likes of the five children that walked into his shop.

When they walked in, Ollivander immediately recognized Harry Potter, but the other four he walked in with, almost gave Ollivander pause.

The girls three girls were as different as the wands he sold. The first had long purple hair and sparkling grey eyes, that held a mischievous glint in them. The second was much more timid, with short brown hair and blue eyes, she seemed almost scared of the people around her. The final girl of the group had curly blue hair and dark brown eyes, she seemed calmer than her purple headed friend, but she also had the same mischievous gleam.

The boy that was talking with Harry Potter was a good head taller than the slim boy. His long brown hair was held back with a red beanie, and he seemed to be instructing Harry Potter on how to do something, whatever it was, it didn't look pleasant.

After many different wands passed through his hands Ollivander found the perfect wand for Mr. Potter. 11" holly with a phoenix feather core and nice and supple.

The second boy, Jay Djinn, took considerably less time to find the correct wand, the second wand as it turned out. 13 1/4" sycamore wood with a phoenix feather core and unbending flexibility. From the corner of Ollivander's eye, he could see the purple haired girl eyeing Mr. Djinn's wand as if she had an idea.

Next, Ollivander worked with the brown-haired girl, Jane Magie, which was quite easy as the first wand he pulled out was her perfect fit. 10" willow wood with a unicorn hair core and slightly yielding flexibility. It would serve her well.

The girl with blue hair, Evie Queen, was next and she was quite tricky, taking almost as long to find the correct wand as it had for Mr. Potter. 11 1/2" beech wood with a unicorn hair core and unbending flexibility. Ms. Queen seemed quite pleased.

Finally, Ms. Heart was up. It seemed to Ollivander, that any wand that was presented was inadequate. Instead of becoming frustrated, he became excited, much as he had for Mr. Potter and Ms. Queen. But finally, Ollivander found the perfect wand. 12 1/2" larch wood with a dragon heartstring core and brittle flexibility.

The five paid and left. Each one happy with their wand. Ollivander smiled, one never could grow bored making wands. Every wand was different, and every customer was interesting.


Hope you guys enjoyed!

See you next time

Questions of the Day:

Should our heroes take pets to Hogwarts?

What do you think their Patronuses will be?

What is your Patronus?

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