The Feast

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Mal was honestly shocked when she was sorted into Hufflepuff. From the things she'd heard on the train about the four houses, she thought Slytherin would be the one for her, hadn't even considered the other three really. But now she was seated at a table with people smiling and congratulating her on being placed in this house.

She was sitting next to a third-year student who introduced himself as Cedric Diggory. He was a little too perky for her liking, other than that, he seemed alright. But then again, so did a lot of the other first years.

Pushing her food around on her plate absentmindedly, Mal looked around the great hall for her friends.

Mal picked out Evie straight away. She seemed to be working her natural charm, a perfect mix of complement and backhanded insult, on some of the other first years that had already swarmed her.

Her gaze fell to the Ravenclaw table, where Jay appeared to be showing his fellow Ravenclaws, not just the first years, the art of perfectly pick-pocketing a person of preposterous wealth. They all seemed so interested in it that it was a little scary.

Finally, Mal looked for Jane at the table next to hers. The daughter of the Fairy God-mother was the only one that seemed nervous of her spot, but she was talking to the boy who'd left the sorting, with the Sorting Hat, and they were sitting next to Hermione, a redheaded boy, and Harry.

Mal was so spaced out that she missed most of the introductory speech, and was only shaken out of it when the Cedric elbowed her in the stomach and motioned for her to start singing. The Hogwarts school song was murder to listen to, since the headmaster just allowed everyone to sing at their own pace, with sensitive ears, which most fairies were born with.

Once the nightmare was over, Professor Dumbledor warned all first years that the Forbidden Forest was actually, you know, forbidden and that the entire third-floor corridor was also off limits. Mal smirked to herself, 'It seems to me that there will be much exploring this year.'

The Headmaster went on and on about some rules or other but Mal had tuned out. As she half listened to whatever he was saying, Mal's eyes wandered over the teachers' table. They all seemed uninteresting in what Dumbledor was saying, but two, in particular, caught her eye.

The first one was the creepy stuttering man they'd met at the Leaky Cauldron, for whatever reason, Mal just disliked him more and more each time she saw him. The first time he had been so awed by Harry, for some reason the four of them still hadn't figured out, that he hadn't even noticed the others with him, but Mal and Jane had noticed him alright. He stank of dark magic and snakes. This time it was so pungent that even Evie and Jay could probably sense it. Mal racked her brain for his name, then remembered that Hagrid had called him Professor Quirrell, would be one to look out for, for the year.

The second teacher was a greasy looking man with a hooked nose and didn't look the least bit friendly. His mouth appeared to be frozen in a permanent frown, and if Mal wasn't mistaken, he was glaring at Harry. That was something that would have to be remedied soon.

Once the food appeared, quite literally, the young half fairy elbowed her older classmate, who had been gorging himself on the magical food, in the stomach to repay him for earlier and asked, "Hey Cedric, who's the greasy looking guy at the teachers' table?"

Still rubbing his abdomen the third year answered without even looking up, "That's Professor Snape, he's the potions master and head teacher of Slytherin house. You'll want to watch out for him and try to stay on his good side."

As Mal considered this, she noticed that her young friend Harry was rubbing his forehead while looking in the direction of the two suspicious teachers. That could be problematic. Jane would have to stay on her guard.

Soon the feast was over and all the prefects got the first years rounded up so that they could show them the way to their dormitories.

Mal stayed near the back of her group so that she could catch the eyes of her fellow descendants. With a few specific hand gestures, they all agreed to meet up in the great hall the following morning to go over how they would handle being in different houses.

After that, the ex-villain in training followed her housemates down towards the kitchens.

It was certainly going to be a strange year if the requirement of tickling a pear was any indication.


MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Mal will become friends with Cedric, and who knows how that will end.

Everyone seems to be settling into their new homes fairly well. We'll see how that goes.


What classes do you think they'll excel in?

Will any of them join Quidditch? (Can I just say how funny it is that my spell check actually recognizes Quidditch as a word.)

How do you think Quirrell will handle four more meddling students?

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