It Begins

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The moment Kostas grasped the pen she had extended, he felt a sharp needle pierce him. "Ouch! What is that?" He yanked his hand back.

"What?" She tilted her head and smirked. "Did you think you could just sign your life away in ink?" She let out a short laugh and shook her head. "No, this requires you to sign your name in blood."

"Could have warned me." Kostas muttered as he took hold of the pen again. The needle had already disappeared, having completed its purpose. 'Alright, I can do this for Korbin.' He thought as he placed his signature on the line.

"Thank you!" She said cheerfully as she put the document away.

"So," Kostas started as he glanced around nervously. He had been under the impression that the Hellions would jump on him the moment he had signed the contract. "When do I die? And how?"

"You die from this day forward and I'm sure you'll die in nearly everyway possible." She said with a shrug.

"What do you mean?" Kostas asked nervously.

"Did I forget to mention? You have to die continually. For every time you die, Korbin will be bothered a little bit less by the Hellions."

"What?" His eyes bulged. "How many times do I have to die before Korbin gets better and I actually die for good?"

"Oh, your immortal now." She said nonchalantly. "And who knows how long until they begin focusing on you." She smiled in apparent glee. "You will only ever know the pain of death; never the peace it brings."

Enraged, Kostas screamed the first thought that came to his mind. "Go burn in Hell!"

At his outburst, she nearly doubled over in laughter. "Awwww. Do you like me so much you want me to come with you? I'm flattered, but I'm afraid someone has to make sure the Hellions don't kill your brother. Anyways, we need to talk about some rules."

"Rules?" Kostas questioned irritably.

"Of course. Every game has rules." She replied.

"You didn't think to mention all of this before I signed that contract!" He clenched his fists but the flames that swung loosely from her hair kept him from punching her.

"I thought about it, but there is no law in Hell saying that all of the conditions must be stated before the contract is signed." She smirked. "Now that I think about it, I don't even have to tell all of the conditions after its signed."

"No." Kostas said quickly. "Just tell me. Whatever, I'll listen; I don't care as long as Korbin is healed."

"Alright," She sighed. "Since I'm so nice, I'll tell you."

Kostas could feel every fibre burning as he restrained himself from saying anything or rolling his eyes at her.

"You are immortal but your body will still take time to recover--though at a slightly quicker rate. Also, I would avoid any death that would destroy your body or head. Remember, you are immortal even if just pieces of yourself remain. If you are behead it can be sewed back on, but that will take forever to heal. Another thing, you will receive a scar from each death showing however you died. Like if you were shot, you would see a scar on where the bullet entered and exited your body. Which reminds me, if you are shot, make sure the bullet comes out. You don't want to have to dig it back out after the would heals and your body becomes infected." She hummed in thought after a short pause. "I feel like I'm forgetting something. That's right!" She snapped her fingers. "Even though your objective is to die, its better to do it by the hands of the Hellions or with enough suffering that they will be satisfied with your offering. The only problem with the Hellions is that they prefer wild and torturous deaths--so be careful. Remember, you cannot actually die. Your now trapped in your body so take care of it."

Kostas stood frozen with wide, horrified eyes.

"Don't give me that look." She said playfully. "It will be like hide-and-seek."

"Yeah." Kostas glared at her. "A game of hide-and-seek in Hell with demons who get to torture me for all eternity."

"To be fair, once your brother is able to walk around and live normally you can return to your realm. The moment he is discharged from the hospital, you are free as a bird. Well you'll probably be more scarred physically and mentally than a bird, but you get what I mean." She giggled.

"Go take a swim in Holy water." Kostas snapped.

She frowned. "No need to be hurtful. I am helping you after all; precious 'Kory' wasn't going to live much longer. His survival is thanks to me." She crossed her arms as she feigned offence.

"Yeah, whatever. When does this start?" Kostas asked, already wanting this nightmare to end.

She smiled gleefully. "Right now." With a snap of her fingers, a hole appeared directly under Kostas.

He screamed as he plummeted down a seemingly endless hole. However, Kostas soon found that his lungs and throat were tiring of the screaming long before his fall was over. Frantically, he tried to think of a way to stop himself from falling, but no inspiration came to him. 'I'm going to destroy my body already. I'm going to have to live for the rest of eternity in pieces on the floor of Hell.' Kostas panicked. With those thoughts racing through his mind, his fall came to an abrupt end.

Though jarring, his landing was relatively easy. Kostas looked up to the person who had caught him. However, the creature who greeted his eyes could hardly be called a person. It had the head of a boar and the body of a bear. Kostas's eyes grew wide with terror.

"Don't worry, Sugar. I wouldn't let you fall." A feminine voice squeaked out from the creature.

Kostas gulped and tried to calm his pounding heart. "Tha--"

"We haven't even gotten to play with you yet!" It interrupted. "Since I caught you, I get to be the first to kill you!" It exclaimed excitedly before running off with Kostas in its arms.

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