Slow and Steady

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As Kostas grew more exhausted with each step, he finally resorted to hunkering down behind a boulder--against his better judgement. The wounds on his legs had closed, but they still caused pain to shoot up his body with every movement. Kostas could also still feel a burning sensation from the place on his back the Hellion had branded. With a groan, he closed his eyes; however, his semi-relaxed state did not last long. 

"Something smells good." Kostas felt his heart stop at the sound of a gruff voice.

"Lets try to find the source." A second, high-pitched voice came.

At the sound of footsteps approaching, Kostas held his breath and pressed his back to the stone surface. The exposed burned flesh being pressed against the rough rock nearly made him hiss in pain and he had to grit his teeth to avoid making any sound.

"It's getting stronger!" The high-pitched voice yelled out excitedly. "Hurry up, you oaf. I'm starving."

"Yeah, Yeah. I'm going." The gruff voice responded.

Kostas knew he only had two options. He could try to escape or stay hidden; either choice would probably get him caught. With his legs still not fully healed, he was slow, but where he was located could hardly be considered a hiding spot. Still, as the two voices grew closer, his body itched to attempt to run. 

"There he is! There he is!" The moment that squeaky voice reached Kostas's ears, he unconsciously darted in the opposite direction. Surprised by his own speed, Kostas cast a glance behind him. One of the creatures was slowly loping after him; the second was nowhere to be seen.

"Hurry up! Hurry up!" The high-pitched voice urged impatiently. As Kostas gained more ground, it let out an exasperated sigh. "I have to do everything, don't I?"

In the next moment, Kostas felt claws dig into his shoulder as he was suddenly stopped by the creature who had once been so far behind. "How?" He questioned in horror as he turned to face the monstrosity that had somehow managed to catch him. The creature that had him snagged in its claws looked like a regular sloth--with the exception of the small hyena poking out of his shoulder.

The hyena began to laugh manically. "I sometimes have to take over cause this idiot is too slow. Surprised, huh?"

Wordlessly, the sloth-like creature picked Kostas up and began to slowly carry him away. Certain he would just be captured again, he decided against putting up a struggle. With a sigh, Kostas decided to just be thankful the Hellion's claws were not digging into his flesh at the moment. At the constant, easy sway of the creature's gait, he began to feel his eyelids grow heavier and soon slipped into blissful unconsciousness.

When he awoke again, Kostas found they were still walking. He was not sure how much time had elapsed, but his wounds had healed and he was no longer in pain. The hyena was still nagging in the same obnoxious voice and Kostas was suddenly very thankful at having missed most of his lecture.

"I can't take much more of this." The hyena continued to whine. "Thank Satan you were near our home when we found you. I'd hate to have to wait much longer than this. And this is already torture!" It yelled as it started smacking the sloth's head with its paws. Seemingly unbothered, the creature continued steadily on. "He's not even emitting any suffering, slowpoke! You gave him time to heal." The creature on the sloth's shoulder slumped forward in defeat.

"Just means he can take more injuries now." The sloth spoke in a gruff voice.

At that statement, the hyena perked up. "That's right! We get to have more fun!" However, its happiness was short lived. "That doesn't help much right now, though. I'm hungry!" It yelled as it flailed its small paws about.

"I know. I'm hungry too." Came the ever patient reply from the sloth.

"We share the same stomach, moron. I know your hungry. Do something about it." The hyena demanded grumpily.

"Alright." The sloth set Kostas on the ground, pressing his claws against his neck just hard enough to remind him not to move. As he reached for a large rock on the ground, he glanced at the creature on his shoulder. They both nodded in silent agreement. With surprising speed, the Hellion brought the heavy stone down directly on Kostas's outstretched leg.

Kostas's eyes widened when he heard the sickening crunch of his bones giving way to the rock. All at once an intense pain that took his breath away washed over him. Tears flowed down his face as he howled in agony. Satisfied with his work, the sloth picked him back up. Kostas vision swam as his broken leg dangled and jostled uselessly with every step, sending white-hot pain through out his body.

"Yay!" The hyena cheered. "So good!"

Kostas continued to wail at every movement; his leg was bent in an unnatural way. At his cries, the hyena laughed harder. Just as he thought that he could not take the pain anymore, darkness mercifully embraced him.

By the time he finally came to, Kostas found himself in yet another cave. Flashbacks of his previous experience filled his vision and he was instantly filled with dread. Kostas looked tentatively at his leg. It was still turned the wrong way. With trepidation, he realized that it was going to heal that way if he did not correct it. Gritting his teeth, Kostas sat up to better assess the situation. He sucked in a breath as he steeled himself to begin attempting to straighten the wayward leg. As the leg moved into its proper place, Kostas fought to keep his consciousness and finish twisting his leg to where it was supposed to be.

Hearing his cries of agony, the joined creatures turned to look at their captive. "His suffering is really tasty." The sloth said gruffly.

"It is." The hyena agreed while watching Kostas thoughtfully. "But should we really let him fix his leg? He can run away if it heals properly, and you know I can't keep control of our body for long."

"That's true." The sloth nodded.

The hyena began giggling uncontrollably. "And if he can't run, we get to keep him. He can be a constant food source for us!"

"It would be nice to not have to leave home to eat." The sloth added and started to lope toward Kostas.

Fixated on both his misery and his work, Kostas did not notice the pair until they were right beside him and towering over him. Still, he refused to pay much attention to them as he focused all his concentration to his leg.

With a nodded to the hyena, the creature delivered a powerful kick Kostas broken leg; once again twisting it the wrong way. As the pain that followed by the cruel action filled him, Kostas fell hard on the stones beneath him as consciousness once again left him.

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